
时间:2023-02-14 22:34:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】我喜欢鸟语花香的春天,更喜欢瓜果遍地的秋天。®文档大全网为大家准备了《美丽的秋天英语作文范文》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.美丽的秋天英语作文范文 篇一

  Autumn is coming, and the weather is getting cooler. There are a few white clouds floating in the boundless blue sky, sometimes lovely sheep at low points, sometimes like fierce lions... A group of wild geese fly south in a neat line, sometimes in the shape of "I", sometimes in the shape of "human".

  In autumn, the woods seem to be wearing colorful clothes. You see, the ginkgo tree is wearing golden clothes. A gust of wind blows and leaves fall from the tree, like a butterfly "flying". Maple leaves are red, like torches held high. Cypress trees are still green, standing upright on the ground, like soldiers on guard.

  The autumn fields are full of harvest scenes. The paddy field is golden and looks like a golden ocean from a distance. A gust of wind blew, and the rice fields seemed to swell with golden waves. A cotton-padded peach laughed and laughed and cracked his mouth. Looking at the snow-white cotton, people could not tell whether they saw the white clouds in the sky or the cotton on the ground. When the soybeans are mature, they jump out like athletes, like a long jump in a competition.

  Autumn is beautiful. I like autumn.

2.美丽的秋天英语作文范文 篇二

  Autumn is coming, and the weather is getting cooler. The autumn sky is high and blue, like a sapphire. The clouds floating from the sky make this huge sapphire more beautiful. A group of wild geese flew from north to south, forming a "one" shape and a "human" shape.

  The trees in autumn are colorful. The ginkgo tree put on a golden dress, like going to a grand dance. Maple trees change into fiery red clothes, and the sky seems to turn red, the house turns red, and the earth turns red... The cypress and pine trees are still green, standing upright, just like some mighty PLA uncles on guard.

  The autumn fields are a scene of harvest. A gust of wind blew the rice in the paddy field into a waist, like whispering to the land: "I have a good harvest again!" The cotton was snow-white, just like the white clouds in the sky. If the cotton and the white clouds were together, it would be impossible to distinguish the cotton from the cotton in the sky or the cotton on the ground. The pods are full, and when the wind blows, they still talk "clattering", as if telling the farmers that the harvest is good, and when the sun shines, the beans will rush to the earth.

  How beautiful autumn is!

3.美丽的秋天英语作文范文 篇三

  Autumn is coming, and the weather is getting cooler. A few white clouds float in the boundless sky, like walking leisurely. A large group of wild geese are flying from north to south. They line up in the shape of "person" and "one".

  The trees in autumn are colorful, and the leaves of ginkgo trees are golden. When the wind blows, the leaves "rustle" and sing beautiful songs. They dance happily and fall to the ground, laying a layer of golden carpet on the ground. Maple leaves can be red, like a burning flame. The floor was also covered with a red carpet. The house was red and the sky was red. The pine and cypress trees are still green, standing upright, like soldiers holding their posts.

  The fields in autumn are full of harvest. The endless paddy fields are like gold, and the farmers laugh when they see them. Cotton is snow-white and connected with white clouds. People can't tell which is cotton and which is white clouds. When the soybeans are mature, the wind blows, and the soybeans seem to say, "Good harvest! Good harvest!" When the sun shines, the little beans jump out of their mother's arms happily.

  They are all saying: Autumn is beautiful!

4.美丽的秋天英语作文范文 篇四

  Autumn is a key. With cool and gentle, she gently opens the door while you are not paying attention.

  The blue sky is like a soft handkerchief. A few fine and white clouds float freely in the air, like small flowers embroidered on the handkerchief. Sometimes, a group of wild geese in the form of "people" fly south

  In the field, golden ears of rice bent its waist, as if thanking Mother Earth for giving it life. The grass is not as green as summer, and its tip is dyed with transparent yellow, like wearing a yellow hat. The farmer uncle's face was filled with joy of harvest.

  In the park, beautiful camellias vie to open: red as fire, pink as rosy clouds, white as snow, yellow as gold... It's really amazing and charming! The yellow osmanthus is like a sprite, jumping and dancing among the branches, emitting a faint fragrance, which makes people intoxicated. In the small river, the gurgling river flows happily. A few small fish play happily for a while, stop quietly for a while, and then seem to find the enemy, and disappear in the blink of an eye. A group of shrimp are competing for the long jump!

  In the forest, a piece of maple leaf is like a stamp, floating and floating, sending the cool autumn. Pieces of yellow leaves fall from the trees, like yellow butterflies dancing. A few birds were chirping in the branches, as if telling friends in the forest: "Please pay attention to the forest residents! Please pay attention to the forest residents! Winter is coming soon, please prepare for the winter!"

  Autumn brings a harvest song to the earth and a happy song to the children.

5.美丽的秋天英语作文范文 篇五

  I like the vibrant, colorful, drizzly spring; I like the sunny summer with blue sky and white clouds. I like the snowy winter, but I prefer the crisp golden autumn.

  The sky is clear and clear as water. The wind has cleaned the ground, and the wind has blown the fields into colorful colors. The wind yellowed the sorghum ears. The dense soybean leaves are scorched yellow from a distance. Look! The green bean leaves on the edge of the fence have shown their yellow color; The yellow little wild chrysanthemum is sticking its head out of the haystack and smiling; There are also small yellow flowers trembling in the autumn wind. Looking at the distance, autumn wild flowers adorn the colorful hillsides, which are more gorgeous in the sun. The wind blew the maple leaves and rustled. Suddenly, they left their mother mischievously and floated down in the stream with the wind.

  The partners put on beautiful flower clothes and played happily. The breeze came gently and smiled sweetly, like a kind and gentle mother, touching their smooth and cold faces. The tree seemed to see the children put on a beautiful flower dress and was thinking of competing with them! So he also changed into a golden dress.

  Everywhere is a piece of gold, everywhere is colorful beauty, everywhere is the sound of children playing happily, everywhere is the voice of people praising autumn... everywhere is full of laughter, I love autumn too! Beautiful and lively golden autumn!
