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【#英语资源# #美丽的秋天英语作文(精选15篇)#】秋季,是“春夏秋冬”四季之一。中国传统上是以二十四节气的“立秋”作为秋季的起点。©文档大全网为大家准备了《美丽的秋天英语作文》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇一

  Autumn, unlike spring, is full of flowers; It's not like the birds chirping and cicadas chirping in summer; Not like winter, pure white and snowy; However, it is the most beautiful in my heart. I love the fiery autumn with maple leaves, which brings abundant harvest and joy to people.

  I walked into the fields, where the rice was golden and yellow, like a golden ocean. The laughter of farmers' uncles can be heard everywhere, because this is their harvest season.

  I walked to the peak, and the grass on it withered. Stepping on it is very soft, like a warm blanket, really comfortable.

  I walked into the orchard, and the fruit trees were full of fruits, including fiery red, golden yellow, and purple... colorful and extremely beautiful!

  I walked into the garden, where there were many flowers: morning glory, chrysanthemums, daffodils, night lilies... There were also many colors, including light white, fiery red, light yellow, pink... all in different colors. There are also many withered yellow leaves in the garden. A gust of autumn wind blew by, and the leaves fell one after another, dancing like butterflies in the forest. It's really beautiful!

  Watching a group of wild geese flying from the sky, forming a "human" shape for a moment; After a while, it will be arranged in a "one" shape, really like a beautiful picture.

  Autumn is colorful, bringing people the joy of a bountiful harvest and bringing joy to children. I love the beautiful autumn.

2.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇二

  Miss Qiu has arrived, bringing coolness to our side.

  Autumn girl came to the park. A few white clouds float in the blue sky; On the tall wutong tree, some leaves are already yellow, and some leaves have just encircled Phnom Penh; Chrysanthemum, like a beautiful girl, showed a smiling face, colorful and diverse in form; The water lilies in the pond are still trying to bloom, as if unwilling to leave the high and clear autumn sky.

  Autumn girl came to the orchard. The pomegranates have matured, and they smile happily. Some grin wide, and some even burst their bellies with laughter; Red and bright. Apples are like cute dolls, mischievously pulling open the green leaves and looking out; The purple grapes were swinging on the tree, and when Autumn Girl blew, they swayed from side to side.

  Autumn girl came to the field. The corn is ripe, people are busy picking, and golden corn sticks are lying in the yard basking in the sun! The brown cotton peach opened its big mouth, revealing the snow-white cotton; The soybean broke through its own clothes and told people, 'I'm already mature!'

  People go out for autumn outings and picnics in twos and threes, to embrace this beautiful autumn with clear skies and fruits everywhere!

3.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇三

  The four seasons are unpredictable. Spring is sunny and windy; In summer, the scorching sun shines like fire; Autumn is high and refreshing; In winter, the new wind roars fiercely. The four seasons have their own characteristics, but I have a special liking for the third season - autumn.

  Spring brings awakening to all things; Summer brings thick shade of green trees; Winter brings snowflakes flying profusely. These gifts are all delightful, but I still love the surprises of autumn: the bountiful harvest of grain, the smiling face of the farmer uncle.

  I love the colors of autumn. The golden color of rice waves; The bright red of the flowers; The pure white of chrysanthemums; And the azure sky.

  I love the characteristics of autumn. The air is fresh every morning; The wind is fresh every week; The chrysanthemums are lush every year.

  I love the beauty of autumn. The beauty of autumn is rational - it is not as charming as spring, hot as summer, and subtle as winter; The beauty of autumn is mature - spring is so shy, summer is so revealing, and winter is so introverted.

  I love the autumn wind. Blowing in waves, it was cool and comfortable, like a magic trick. With the wind blowing, the sky was filled with "yellow butterflies" dancing gracefully.

  I love autumn flowers. A string of red put on its red clothes, dancing and singing heartily; Osmanthus desperately sprayed perfume on her body to make herself fragrant; Chrysanthemum's friends are the most extensive. Calendula, white chrysanthemums... I love everything in autumn, all these beautiful and fresh things, this crisp autumn weather.

4.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇四

  Autumn girl came with a cool autumn!

  Autumn girl took me to the golden field and saw the corn covering my face with leaves, like a shy little girl. The cotton is as white as snow, and feels fluffy. It's really comfortable! Sorghum blushed, like burning torches. The grass has laid a golden carpet for people

  Autumn girl took me to the orchard again, it's really fragrant with melons and fruits! Pear yellow and clear, with "freckles" growing on his face, as if he didn't want to be seen, he hid in the dense green leaves. Apples hang on the branches like smiling faces of children, as if welcoming the arrival of Autumn Girl. Lantern-like persimmons hang on the branches, illuminating people! Grapes are colorful, like beautiful pearl necklaces; Beautiful "necklaces" come in red, light green, and purple, purple

  Autumn girl once again sent me to the park. Before I could reach the park, I could smell the fragrance of osmanthus, which could almost float ten miles away! Chrysanthemums are colorful, red like fire, yellow like gold, white like snow, and pink like rosy clouds... Ginkgo biloba leaves are like small fans, fanning away the heat of summer and welcoming the coolness of autumn. Maple Leaf's face is red, like the palm of a child's hand, greeting Miss Autumn!

  Ah, I like you, beautiful autumn!

5.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇五

  My hometown has beautiful scenery throughout the year, but I particularly enjoy autumn in my hometown.

  Autumn orchards are the most beautiful. The big red apples bent the branches, making it look like red lanterns hanging among the leaves from a distance. The yellow 'big pear' is like a gourd hanging all over the branches. A string of purple crystal and green grapes hung on the shelf, purple as lilac and green as jade, each crystal clear and translucent, like strings of pearls, making people drool.

  Autumn is the most beautiful forest. The feet of wutong trees and locust trees are full of naughty leaf dolls. They left the mother tree early and came to the embrace of the earth. Autumn girl also joined in the excitement, sometimes rolling up the leaf doll and then putting it down, as if playing on a swing! Maple Sister is so beautiful. As soon as autumn arrives, she has already put on a red dress. If you walk in the red maple forest, you will feel as if you have come to a red ocean - yellow red, orange red, deep red, dark red, and the translucent pink.

  The fields in autumn are the most beautiful. Everywhere was a scene of abundant harvests, with white and chubby cotton peaches spitting out clumps of cotton wool as white as snow; Maize is so happy. You see, he specially put on a bunch of red tassels and grinned, revealing his golden teeth; The heavy rice also smiled and bent over; Sorghum is the most shy, blushing at the sight of Autumn Girl and bowing her head in embarrassment! Actually, everyone is acquaintances, why be so shy?

  I love this beautiful autumn!

6.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇六

  Autumn is the most beautiful season of the year and also my favorite season.

  Now, autumn has arrived on our campus. A gust of cool wind blew, dropping countless withered and yellow leaves on the ground, like a layer of golden carpet. The scenery of autumn is displayed in front of people like a beautiful picture, very beautiful.

  This afternoon, the teacher took us to a lawn in front of the Children's Palace to admire the autumn scenery. The scenery of this lawn is beautiful, with flowers, grass, sculptures, and slides. The flowers on the lawn include orchids, osmanthus, etc. The orchids are so beautiful, like small and round balls, standing steadily there. Its leaves are like a small bamboo boat, and the flowers are particularly fragrant. Before you walk past, the fragrance already fills your nose. If you stay for half an hour, you will be intoxicated. Next to the orchids is Fujian tea, which is very green and elastic. If someone bumps into Fujian tea, it will bounce you back. There is a sculpture in the middle of the lawn, white, depicting a cute little girl reading seriously. There are some cockscomb flowers planted next to the little girl, some red and yellow Colorful and dazzling. The leaves of the cockscomb are like white pieces of paper, and behind them stands a prominent sign with twelve golden characters: "Knowledge changes fate, education creates the future. On the right side of the sign are some osmanthus flowers, which are also very fragrant. Their petals are cute like the mouth of a little white rabbit.

  Autumn is really a beautiful season! No wonder we all enjoy this season.

7.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇七

  Autumn is here, autumn is here! The hot summer has passed, but the cool autumn has come joyfully to the earth, making it a different place.

  The yellow rice fields are like a golden ocean, and a gust of autumn wind blows past, causing the fields to roll with golden waves.

  Yellow leaves slowly drifted down from the tree, like golden butterflies. It seems to be welcoming autumn!

  But maple trees are different. It always feels that the yellow color is too ugly and wants to dye itself blue, but it accidentally turns itself red. It is not sad, but it wants to compare with fire who is the reddest! He is really mischievous! The beautiful chrysanthemum saw the beautiful scenery and put on colorful clothes. There are snow-white, fiery red, and golden ones that attract many people's eyes. Why did the grass turn brown? I looked at the grass curiously. Haha! So Xiaocao likes brown!

  Autumn is here! We carried baskets, wore sweaters and vests, and happily came to the orchard to pick fruits. There are many fruits in the orchard. For example, red apples, yellow oranges, purple grapes, red pomegranates... and many fruits are silently waiting for people to pick in the golden bushes. Children's feet are often hooked by colorful fruits.

  Ah。 Autumn is a season of abundant harvest, and it is also a colorful season! Why is autumn so beautiful! Why do you make me so intoxicated with autumn!

8.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇八

  Autumn is here, autumn is here! Wild geese scrambled to fly south in a hurry, sometimes forming the character "one" and sometimes forming the character "person".

  Autumn is full of chrysanthemums everywhere, with red, white, purple, yellow flowers... Blossoming like autumn girls wearing colorful clothes, emitting the fragrance of chrysanthemums everywhere.

  The autumn orchard is the most beautiful, with apples showing red cheeks, persimmons hanging small lanterns on high branches, golden oranges like little suns on the branches... Farmers are picking fruits in the orchard.

  There are also layers of terraces, with golden rice rippling like waves in the autumn wind. It's really cute, it's the most beautiful wave on the earth.

  The distant mountains and fields are red in patches, and those are red leaves. This is an exceptionally refreshing morning. I pushed open the window and a red leaf flew from outside to my desk. Gazing at it, I remembered an ancient poem: "Frost leaves are as red as February flowers. A winding stone path pulled my gaze, falling straight over the empty mountain like countless butterflies dancing. What a beautiful scene it was.

  The autumn wind is howling and blowing on me, getting a bit cold.

9.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇九

  Autumn is a beautiful season, a harvest season, and a golden ocean.

  On the autumn morning, Grandpa Sun smiled early and eagerly came to admire the beautiful scenery; Baiyun also rushed to report, pushing and beating like mischievous children, constantly changing her appearance; The sunflower blinked its big eyes and looked around, as if looking at this beautiful world; The apple tree has produced huge fruits, with red apples like small lanterns and sweet smiling faces of children, making you want to take a bite; The flower sways its leaves with the gentle breeze, bringing a faint fragrance to the air; The entire grassland also looks like a beautiful girl, taking off her green skirt and changing into orange clothes, making it even more beautiful and dignified. Such a beautiful scenery, people can't help but be intoxicated!

  How beautiful autumn is! Let's cherish the beautiful moments of autumn together!

10.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇十

  The cool autumn has arrived, and the grass slowly takes off its green clothes and puts on a yellow autumn coat. When the wind blows, the leaves fall one after another, like a fairy scattering flowers or a yellow butterfly dancing gracefully. The flowers in the garden are blooming in competition: chrysanthemums, butterflies, lilies, roses, and some unknown small flowers are colorful, red like fire, pink like rosy clouds, and white like snow. They look great!

  Students should all know that autumn is a season of abundant harvest! Look! The farmers are harvesting rice! They lowered their heads, hunched their backs, with their faces facing loess and their backs facing the sky. They raised their heads, their faces filled with joy of harvest! In the fields, covered in gold, the heavy rice shyly lowered its head, like a shy little girl. Sorghum blushed with a smile, cotton climbed up the branches like snow dolls, eggplants hung on the branches like purple lanterns, winter melon lay lazily on the ground like a fat doll. In the orchard, there is a different scene! Haitang revealed its small face and looked out with a smile; The apples are hiding under the green leaves, pulling them open and looking out; Pears hide in the middle of green and yellow leaves, like a shy little girl, and there are crystal clear grapes with all kinds of fruits, very rich: red, yellow, green, purple, colorful. I also like autumn rain. Autumn rain is light, like yarn, mist, and feathers. It doesn't float like spring rain, nor does it pour down like summer rain. It has its own unique way.

  Ah。 I love autumn, I love the colorful autumn, I love the fruitful autumn.

11.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇十一

  Autumn has arrived, and looking up from the foot of the mountain, the trees have become yellow and red, not as green as summer.

  Entering the park, look, the chrysanthemums are blooming and the phoenix leaves are falling; Listen, the little swallow is chirping south, preparing to spend the winter; Smell the faint aroma emanating from the lovely chrysanthemums; Taste the red apple that makes your mouth water when you see it

  Autumn is a season of abundant harvest, look at that! The grains are yellow and clear, one by one. If you look at them from a distance, you will definitely see them as a golden ocean! Chrysanthemums bloom due to autumn, and when you step into that yellow green jungle, you will be deeply intoxicated

  Let's keep walking along the path, with poplar blossoms falling from the sky one after another; Continuing forward, we arrived at the red world - the Red Maple Forest. The red maple trees in the mountains are like a red ocean, benefiting from the burning flames under the sunlight. He's like a red palm, like a small fan

  Ah。 Autumn! A harvest season, a beautiful season.

12.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇十二

  The orchard in autumn is very beautiful.

  Enter the orchard and take a closer look! The red apple is like a shy little girl, afraid to speak. Eggplant ran in a big and square manner, still cracking its mouth at the hour. Orange and persimmon lanterns lit up the entire orchard. The orchard is lit up very beautifully, as if fireflies are flying. Bananas and pears couldn't sleep, they were as stuffy as gold. The round and purple grapes are like a mother holding a child. A peach is fragrant and sweet, and if you take a bite, you will praise it and say, "Ah! It's really sweet! It's great! It's so delicious!" The red jujube, round and heavy, bends the branches, and the color changes from green to red, with a deep red color, which is amazing!

  Autumn is approaching, and farmers and uncles come to the orchard to harvest fruits. The apples, pears, grapes, oranges, persimmons, bananas, dates, and other fruits in the orchard all smiled and jumped out into the farmer's basket, as if saying, "Hurry up! The men, women, and children in the city are waiting for us!" The farmer's uncles all smiled excitedly.

  I love autumn, but by comparison, I prefer the scenery of autumn.

13.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇十三

  The sound of a thresher, mixed with the mischievous hip-hop of rural children, was composed into a light and rhythmic rural song. Various autumn insects also gathered together and sang among the grass insects in the fields, making the originally peaceful countryside lively.

  The west wind quietly passed by me, never stopping for a moment. Maple leaves, turning yellow to red, rustled by the wind, and various wonderful sounds kept coming from the wilderness, turning the originally monotonous sound of fallen leaves into a lively autumn song.

  At night, the sounds of cats and dogs kept circling around the house. The frog in the field also keeps shouting. The water ducks in the pond play in the water, sometimes coming up and then coming down. The sound of the water ducks paddling is clearly audible by the pool edge. The sudden westerly wind scattered the leaves on the banyan tree, rustling endlessly. The sound of rising and falling one after another is like a wonderful symphony, accompanied by bursts of rain, surrounding the entire field.

  In autumn, there are countless sounds everywhere, especially the roar of nature in the countryside, which is incredibly beautiful and ever-changing. Each sound echoes in my ears.

14.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇十四

  I love autumn, and I love the colorful campus of autumn even more.

  Autumn has quietly arrived, by the stream, in the fields, and also in our lovely campus. Under the influence of the autumn breeze, the campus also changed into golden autumn attire.

  Entering the campus, you can see many small bees busy collecting pollen and preparing sufficient food for themselves for the winter. Looking down, you can see at any time that groups of ants are carrying food, such as bread crumbs, white Mantou, and all kinds of things. They are also preparing for winter! On the campus playground, which is over 200 meters away, there is a joyful atmosphere. Some little girls are skipping rope, some are kicking shuttlecock, and the little boy is playing football and throwing sandbags, which is extremely interesting.

  The leaves of the wutong tree turned yellow. A gust of autumn wind blew, and the withered leaves danced among the branches, falling to the ground in abundance. Stepping on them was like laying a yellow carpet. A group of young students who love collecting leaves were attracted, and they chose their favorite leaves among them. The leaves rustled and rustled. It's like saying: Nice to meet you.

15.美丽的秋天英语作文 篇十五

  In the scorching, restless, and sweaty summer, I finally want to say goodbye to this year. These past few evenings, after playing basketball with my younger brother and walking home along the way, there is always a cool breeze blowing in front of me. It's really cool and comfortable! My mother also started helping me put on a thin coat, and I didn't need to blow on the air conditioning or electric fan to sleep at night. It turned out that autumn had arrived.

  This Mid-Autumn Festival, my father and mother took my brother and me to watch fireworks, wow! The dazzling and colorful fireworks burst into the sky, instantly exploding and dazzling, making everyone's gaze reluctant to leave. What an unforgettable and beautiful memory! On Mid-Autumn Festival, my father took us back to the ancestral hall to worship ancestors. The Zhong family gathered together. The lineup was really huge. What a bustle! But my younger brother and I were drenched in tears by the fragrance on the incense burner, and our eyes were red and swollen, almost unable to open.

  Autumn is clear and refreshing, and my favorite thing of the year is autumn. The fragrance of autumn's bountiful harvest fills the air, telling us that this year's hard work has been rewarded with a bountiful harvest. It's really a cool autumn day!
