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  English Weekly CET-4 Listening Practice Test 17
  Part III Listening Comprehension
  Section A
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre。 我要收藏
  11. M: Jack has been to Thailand and Iran as well as all of Europe。
  W: By the time he’s twenty-five, he’ll have been almost everywhere!
  Q: Where hasn’t Jack been to?
  12. M: Could you tell me the starting time for both films?
  W: The first begins at a quarter to seven and will last one and a half hours. After a 5-minute break, the second follows。
  Q: At approximately what time does the second film start?
  13. M: Hello, Carol. I’ve moved to my new apartment. Welcome to my new apartment and enjoy a typical Chinese home-made dinner during the Spring Festival。
  W: Oh, that’s nice. But I’m afraid I cannot accept your invitation ‘cause I’ll be in New Zealand at that time。
  M: It doesn’t matter. The invitation will be valid until my next movement. If you have time, any time is ok for you to drop in!
  Q: What does the man imply?
  14. W: You are always lying on the sofa, Jack。
  M: What do you mean by “always”? I need to rest for a while. This morning, I tidied the room and washed the clothes, you know。
  Q: What does the man imply?
  15. W: I read in the newspaper that some experts and doctors suggest that people over the age of 35 shouldn’t run。
  M: Oh… I suppose it’s up to you. Of course if you run too quickly, it may make you exhausted. But jogging may keep you in good shape。
  Q: What does the man think of running?
  16. M: Where shall I plant these cherry trees, Lucy?
  W: Let me see. I think right here in front of the house, where there is enough sunshine。
  Q: Where did the conversation most probably take place?
  17. M: How is your uncle feeling these days?
  W: He is getting better now. The operation was a success and the doctor says he’ll recover soon. I think he can come home in a week。
  Q: Where is the woman’s uncle now?
  18. W: Hello, passengers. The train T65 to Nanjing will not be arriving at our station on time due to the snow storm. We apologize for the inconvenience。
  M: T65? Oh, poor me!
  Q: What can we learn from the man’s words?
  Now you’ll hear two long conversations。
  Conversation One
  M: Good morning, Miss Wang. Can I help you?
  W: Yes, I’d like to get some insurance for the contents of my home。
  M: Fine! When did you move into the house?
  W: A couple of weeks ago. And it’s an apartment actually. I was told by the landlord that it would be better to get some insurance for the furniture and other personal possessions。
  M: Yes, it’s true. What kind of apartment is it?
  W: A two-bedroom apartment with a basement。
  M: What floor is it on?
  W: Why do you need to know that?
  M: Because it affects the cost of insurance. For an apartment on the ground floor, there are more chances of break-ins。
  W: Really? I didn’t know that. It’s on the third, no, … second floor。
  M: Second? How much is the rent?
  W: It’s 34 dollars per week。
  M: Good! Where is it located?
  W: North King Avenue。
  M: Ok. Take this form to that girl. She’ll calculate the cost of insurance for you。
  W: Thank you. Bye。
  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard。
  19. When did Miss Wang move to her apartment?
  20. Who suggested Miss Wang that she get some insurance for the furniture and her personal possessions?
  21. Which floor is her apartment located on?
  22. How much is the weekly rent for her apartment?

