
时间:2022-04-18 00:28:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】全民国家安全教育日是为了增强全民国家安全意识,维护国家安全而设立的节日。2015年7月1日,全国人大常委会通过的《中华人民共和国国家安全法》第十四条规定,每年4月15日为全民国家安全教育日。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  There is an idiom: how can fur be attached without skin? If the security of the country is unstable, how can thousands of small families be stable? If we do not strengthen national defense, how can the country be stable?

  Time is like water, history is rapidly leaping, and China is taking off. Today, on the land of China, the whole country is thriving, the face of the motherland is changing with each passing day, industry, agriculture and science and technology are developing by leaps and bounds, and our life is moving towards a well-off society. This is inseparable from the strength of China and the strength of national defense.

  In China's 5000 year history, we will never forget the cruel burning, killing, looting and crazy sweeping of China by the Japanese aggressors; Never forget the bitter Opium War; I can't forget... After many hardships, people finally understand that backwardness will be beaten; Without a strong national defense, you will be beaten.

  Although we now live and work in peace and contentment, we cannot live without soldiers stationed in the frontier. They stand guard in China's frontier day and night to ensure our life. As in the following song, the frontier soldiers sacrificed too much for us: "to tell you the truth, I also miss home. The old mother at home has silver hair..."

  As the little masters of the 21st century, how can we hold up tomorrow's sun? The war in the 21st century is not a contradiction as a weapon, but all science, technology and electronic informatization. If the country does not have strong armed equipment and high-tech level, how to strengthen national defense? If we don't study hard, how can we invent and study these precision weapons? Therefore, we must study hard, be good at exploring, be prepared for danger in times of peace, serve the motherland and be the successor of the 21st century.

  Love China and strengthen our national defense. Let's take action and study hard to hold up the future sun of our motherland!


  There is only one life for each individual, which is worth cherishing and loving. Life is not a picture drawn on paper. If you are wrong, you can draw it again; Life is not an evergreen tree. It can't stand in the wind and rain forever and can't run amok. Because life is like, we should pay more attention to safety and health. Health cannot be bought and sold with money. This is how I feel after listening to safety education.

  In addition, I also learned about fire self rescue. In case of fire, the trapped personnel should have good psychological quality, keep calm, don't panic, don't act blindly, act carefully in case of fire, and don't wait to die. We should make full use of all kinds of things around us that are conducive to escape, such as connecting the sheets, curtains, carpets, etc. into a rope, sliding the rope for self rescue, or wetting the walls and doors of the toilet to prevent the spread of the fire. At the same time, when we escape from a fire, we should also pay attention to our personality: we should not forget to call the police because of panic. After entering the high-rise building, pay attention to the channel, the position of alarm bell and fire extinguisher. In case of fire, ring the alarm bell or call immediately. Delaying the alarm is dangerous; You can't run down when you see a fire on the lower floor. After a fire on the lower floor, if people on the upper floor run down, it will increase difficulties for rescue. The correct approach is to go to a higher level; Do not delay the time due to the cleaning of luggage and valuables. If the passage is blocked after the fire, close the door, open the window and try to escape; Don't jump down from the window blindly. When you are trapped in the room and can't get out of the fire, cover your nose with a wet towel to prevent the invasion of smoke, wait patiently for rescue, and try to call the police for help; You can't escape by ordinary elevator. It is easy to cut off power after a high-rise building is on fire. At this time, taking an ordinary elevator may "jam" and make the evacuation fail; You can't walk upright when the smoke is thick. After the fire rises with thick smoke, you should crawl on the ground to avoid choking smoke and poisoning.

  Through this lecture, I really understand the importance of safety. Following the rules is not only a virtue, but also to ensure our safety. To cherish life, we must pay attention to safety and work hard for our tomorrow.


  Through this study, I understand that national security, you and I are all beneficiaries. Although the national security education day is only one day a year, security issues deserve high attention all the time. National security, honor and interests are above all else. While exercising our rights, we must not harm the interests of the state and the collective. What we should do is to love our country, safeguard the honor and interests of the country, and should not touch the bottom line of the law. The great wall needs everyone to protect our country and make everyone more responsible for the safety of our country.

  National interests are above all else. Safeguarding national interests and security is not only closely related to our lives, but also the sacred obligation of every citizen. As citizens of the people's Republic of China in the 21st century, we should do our best to safeguard national security and contribute to national security.

  National security is the responsibility of youth. It's just the right time to rise up. Safeguarding national security is the bounden responsibility and obligation of every citizen, and college students in the new era are the mainstay of safeguarding national security. Therefore, we should constantly enhance our national defense awareness and contribute knowledge and strength to safeguarding national security.

  As a new generation of young people, we should shoulder the historical mission and the responsibility of the times, and strive to take over every baton for realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Therefore, caring for the safety of our country is also a compulsory course for every citizen. In this special way, we can watch the theme publicity open course of 2022 national security education day with college students in a special period, which makes us clearly understand China's overall national security system: the national security road with Chinese characteristics takes people's security as the purpose, political security as the foundation, economic security as the foundation, military, cultural Social security is the guarantee and international security is the support.


  After studying the education of safety theme, I deeply understand and realize its importance. Safety education is closely related to each of us, and each of us should seriously implement the theme of safety education. Start with yourself, start with the present. Implement the spirit of safety education, implement various requirements and measures, and protect yourself and the people around you. Safety education requires us to improve our awareness of prevention and start from the most basic. Understand the basic knowledge and maintain their own safety. It also requires us to enhance our skills, improve our ability, adapt to all kinds of pressure and competition, and enhance the vitality of life.


  Standing at a new historical starting point and under the intertwined action of domestic and foreign factors, the connotation and extension of China's national security are richer than ever, the space-time field is broader than ever, and the internal and external factors are more complex than ever. The task of maintaining national security and social stability is very arduous. This requires that in the new journey of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we should always adhere to the overall concept of national security, seize and make good use of the important strategic opportunity period of China's development, adhere to the path of national security with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the supremacy and unity of political security, people's security and national interests, take people's security as the purpose, political security as the foundation and economic security as the basis, and safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Prevent and resolve major security risks, firmly grasp the strategic initiative to safeguard national security in their own hands, and provide a strong security guarantee for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


  Since the establishment of the "national safety education day for all" in 2015, the frequency, quality and form of national safety education classroom entering enterprises, schools and communities have been higher. From the first national security education day to the seventh national security education day, national security education activities have been pushed to a new height, and more and more people have become loyal performers of national security responsibilities. This report card has boosted our confidence in safeguarding national security. At present, the international environment is changing and becoming more and more complex. Under such a historical background, it highlights the importance of safeguarding national security. We still have a long way to go to carry out national security education for all and popularize national security knowledge.

  The foothold of "national security education day for all" is "education". We should adhere to the overall concept of national security and let the public fully understand the areas and contents covered by national security. Political security, homeland security, military security, economic security, cultural security, social security, scientific and technological security, information security, ecological security, resource security, nuclear security and so on are all important components of national security. National security is not an abstract concept, but is closely related to everyone's work and life. With the progress of science and technology, acts that damage national security are more hidden, and it is more and more difficult to defend national security. To carry out national security education for the whole people is to take preventive measures and let the people know which actions can safeguard national security and which actions may damage national security. It is certain that the more thoroughly the national security education is explained among the masses, the stronger the initiative of the masses to safeguard national security, and the stronger the great wall of steel to safeguard national security.


  The country prospers with peace and the people enjoy peace. Adhering to the people-centered and the overall concept of national security is the basic strategy for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. National security is for the people, and national security depends on the people. We should adhere to implementing the party's mass line in all activities to safeguard national security, give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the broad masses of people, always take the people as the basic force of national security, pool a strong joint force to safeguard national security, earnestly safeguard the security rights and interests of the broad masses of people, and constantly enhance their sense of security.

  "Peace without forgetting danger, survival without forgetting death, governance without forgetting chaos." On the new journey, we should take the overall concept of national security as the theoretical guidance, adhere to the path of national security with Chinese characteristics, build a national security system with Chinese characteristics, enhance the sense of hardship, be vigilant in times of safety, and adhere to the supremacy of national interests and the interests of the people, so as to provide a strong security guarantee for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


  "Thousands of miles of Long embankment, collapsed in the ant nest, the boat of life, covered in negligence." Safety is the source of life and the foundation of health. There is no room for luck and deviation. Only by being good at seeing the big from the small can we prevent the small from getting worse. Looking at the past campus safety accidents, there are negligence and carelessness in varying degrees. Therefore, the school should firmly establish the sense of hardship, insist on being vigilant in times of peace, always tighten the string and clench the fist, so as to firmly grasp the tenacity of the green mountain, and pay close attention to the safety education. We should start from the details of safety education and start from me. We should carry out various themed safety education activities in depth by setting up warning signs, establishing safety guards, carrying out safety lectures, simulating protection drills and other forms, and truly take the organic combination of safety education and nurturance education as a normal, through every link of education and teaching, and through every small daily work and life, Promote the safety awareness and prevention ability of primary and secondary school students to be imperceptibly improved.

  The new era leads a new journey. In the new period of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, campus safety education must comply with the trend of the times, take campus safety as an important support for national security, constantly promote the innovation of ideas, methods and means, firmly cultivate safety education in the hearts of primary and secondary school students, and ensure the sustainable safety and stability of the campus.


  Everyone is responsible for national security. There are thousands of countries, and home is the smallest country. Running a country is like running a family, loving the country and the family. Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Every Chinese must resolutely shoulder the responsibility and make achievements in the face of the major right and wrong of national security. It should be the firm belief of every countryman to pursue the country's life and death and avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings.

  National security, education oriented. The more people have security awareness, the more dependent national security will be. Preventive measures should be taken in the first place. Relevant functional departments should take in-depth national security publicity and education as an important task. The concept of national security should be stressed from time to time, every day and everything, and ensure that the national security awareness becomes the consciousness and action of the whole people.


  National security is the most important cornerstone of national development and the most fundamental guarantee of people's well-being. From the ancient saying that "no benefit is greater than governance and no harm is greater than chaos", to today's deep war and suffering in some countries and regions, and to the great harm brought by terrorism, we are telling us that nothing can be achieved without a secure foundation and a stable environment. At present, China has entered the decisive stage of building a moderately prosperous society for all. Facing a complex and changeable security and development environment, there has been a significant increase in various foreseeable and unpredictable risk factors. The task of safeguarding national security and social stability is arduous and arduous. Paying close attention to the "top priority" has a bearing on the overall development situation, the destiny of the country and the happiness of the people.

  Understanding in place, action will be conscious, and practice will have a direction. Under the conditions of peaceful development and reform and opening up for a long time, and under the background of the continuous promotion of the rule of law by the whole people, enhancing the national security awareness of the whole people is facing various new topics. Only by guiding people to correctly understand the national security situation and enhancing the sense of hardship of "safety without forgetting danger" can we tighten the string of security and unite security consensus in peacetime; Strengthen the publicity of laws and regulations such as the national security law and the anti espionage law, strengthen citizens' concept of the rule of law, delimit the bottom line of behavior by law, and resolutely say no to all illegal acts that damage national security, so as to let the forces of the rule of law escort National security; Through various lively and realistic publicity and education methods, let people deeply feel that national security and personal security are closely related, and clarify the responsibilities and obligations to maintain national security, so as to establish the sense of responsibility of "national security and everyone's responsibility", internalize and externalize the overall concept of national security, and jointly build an iron and steel wall to protect national security.

  Be prepared for danger in times of peace, be prepared for thought, and be prepared for danger. To ensure national security and long-term stability, it is impossible to accomplish its work in one service. It requires unremitting efforts for a long time. The arrival of the first national security education day for all is a new beginning. Let the awareness of national security take root in the hearts of all the people, and let the 1.3 billion people become firm defenders of national security. We will promote the great ship China to break the waves in the times, and build a solid security guarantee for realizing the goals of the "two centenaries" and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. National defense and state are two closely related words. Only when national defense is strong can the country prosper.

