雅思 考官范文-雅思考官级9分范文:社区精神的丢失


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  题目是In many cities an increasing number of people do not know their
neighbours and there is a lack of a sense of community. What are the causes of
this problem? How can it be solved?


  One disturbing trend nowadays is the weakened sense of community in our
cities. The two principal causes of this are in my view how our schools and
shopping habits have changed. In this essay I discuss these problems and also
how they might be solved to ensure we once again know our neighbours.

  There is a clear connection between education and community. In the past
people got to know their neighbours through their children and formed close
bonds watching them play sport together or just helping out with childcare.
Unfortunately, this connection has been broken in cities by allowing children to
go any school and not the one in the neighbourhood with the effect that local
children do not necessarily go to the same school. The easy solution to this
problem would simply be to make sure that children in cities went to the local
school in their district.

  The change in shopping habits has also had a profound effect on community
relations in cities. In the past people would shop at their local market or main
street, but now they increasingly use supermarkets that are located on the edge
of cities. This means that people no longer meet people who live in their
neighbourhood as they go shopping and it has also led to a loss in community
identity. The best way to solve this problem would be for the government to
raise taxation on the large supermarkets and to reduce it for local businesses
in order to bring back local markets and shops.

  In conclusion I believe that the best way for governments to address the
problem of loss of community spirit in cities would be to introduce measures
that encouraged people to educate their children locally and to help more local
businesses and shops to flourish.



