雅思 考官范文:雅思考官级9分范文:太空探索是否值得


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  题目是Space exploration requires vast sums of money. Is the amount of money
spent on space research justifiable? Could the money be better spent?


  There has always been considerable discussion about whether governments
should spend tax payers’ money on space research. In my view it is impossible to
justify the amount of money spent on such projects. Generally speaking, the main
reason for this position is that there are several areas in which the money
could be invested better.

  The first point to make is that politicians have a responsibility to spend
public money on projects that bring a benefit to the general public. This has
not been the case with space research as most developments have been limited to
helping astronauts in space or have been very specialised. For example, it is
not of great value to the general public that we now have pens and biros that
can write upside down. This does not merit the huge amount of money spent.

  The second point to make is that there are many much more urgent projects
on Earth that require investment. If governments spent less money on space
research, then they would be able to help solve some of these problems such as
population control, elimination of diseases like cholera, global warming and
food shortages. It seems to me that all of these issues are more important
because they affect the lives of millions of ordinary people. An illustration of
this is that the US government could provide food for all the starving people in
the world if they did not spend so much on NASA.

  My conclusion is that politicians should not fund space research. The
grounds for saying this are that it is very costly and provides few real
benefits. Furthermore, there are several more urgent issues that need to be

