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【#英语资源# 导语】端午节又被称作端阳节、龙舟节、重午节、天中节等,是集拜神祭祖、祈福辟邪、欢庆娱乐和饮食为一体的民俗大节。以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the afternoon Festival, the May Festival, the AI Festival, the Duanwu Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, the afternoon day and the summer festival. Although the names are different, the customs of people everywhere are the same. The Dragon Boat Festival is an old custom in China for more than 2000 years. On this day, every household hangs the statue of Zhong Kui, hangs wormwood leaf calamus, races dragon boats, eats zongzi, drinks realgar wine, swims all kinds of diseases, wears sachets and prepares animal lilies.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. Everyone wants to eat zongzi. In the morning, grandma was busy making zongzi. I was also learning how to make zongzi. Grandma picked up a zongzi leaf, rolled it into a corner, put the glutinous rice and red bean stuffing in, wrapped it with zongzi leaf and tied it tightly with thread. A small and lovely zongzi is wrapped. I like it. I also clamored to pack it. As a result, the more I helped, the more I helped

  The dumplings are cooked. They smell delicious! I couldn't wait to pick up a zongzi and open it. As a result, I couldn't open my mouth. My father and mother laughed at my slanderous appearance.


  The anticipated Dragon Boat Festival has finally arrived, and the family is really hot: some go to buy Zongye; Some are mixing meat; Others are mixing glutinous rice. They are so busy. Who makes them so meticulous? Of course, it's delicious and delicious zongzi! Every step has been in place. We began to carefully wrap zongzi, and I began to wrap it with confidence. "Ouch", I suddenly shouted. It turned out that my zongzi leaves leaked and dropped the glutinous rice on the floor. Then I had to humbly follow my mother and learn to make zongzi step by step. First take a piece of zongzi leaf, then fold it in half, then spread a layer of glutinous rice on the bottom of the leaf, put two pieces of meat on it, one fine and one fat, then spread a layer of glutinous rice on it again, wrap it up and tie a knot with thread, and it's finished. "It's tiring to complete so many steps step by step!" A few times ago, I either forgot to put the meat or leaked the glutinous rice. But in the end, I finally finished making zongzi step by step. At this time, I smiled: "originally, the zongzi I made can also be so modular." I also struck while the iron was hot. Sure enough, the zongzi I made became better and better. They were the same as those made by my parents. I couldn't tell who was who!

  Through this zongzi, I understand that as long as I do what I want to do with my heart, even if it is difficult, I will succeed!


  It was also the annual Dragon Boat Festival, and we came to grandma Loudi's house as usual.

  As soon as I knocked on Grandma's door, I saw my cousin Kangkang playing games with his brother. When Kangkang found me coming, he ran over excitedly, hugged me and said, "sister, sister". Grandma saw us coming and immediately ran over to greet us.

  Grandma said that this year's Dragon Boat Festival must teach you to make zongzi. I immediately said great, great, I must learn to make zongzi today. I immediately ran to the kitchen and washed my hands clean. Start making zongzi! Following my grandmother's example, I took a piece of Zongye and folded it into an ice cream shell, then filled some glutinous rice with red beans with a spoon, put them in the ice cream shell, and then pressed them with chopsticks. Then a small lump of meat and half a sweet jujube were added to it. These are done, but how to tie it up is the most difficult problem. Grandma said that the key to making zongzi is here.


  After one happy and dull day after another, the Dragon Boat Festival finally came. On this day, the streets were full of people coming and going and cars running around. People flocked down from the bus and rushed to buy zongzi and calamus. Young children hung sachets around their necks. In the sunshine, sachets looked radiant and scaly, and I was dazzled by the scenes.

  My mother and I walked happily. After a while, we came to the zongzi stall. My mother and I chose one in a hundred to buy some zongzi with different tastes. He hurried home. My mouth was full of slander. I had already rushed to the table. Mom is really a generous person. I count from left to right. There are thirty in all. Why buy so much? I said to myself. Now I can't manage so much. I despised it and ate it with relish.

  Soon, the dragon boat race became the focus of our family's attention. Our family gathered next to the TV and stared at the screen intently. The oarsmen were full of energy and a golden dragon swaggered slowly on the river. A spectacular sight came into view.

  Ah! Today's Dragon Boat Festival is really fun. I hope the next Dragon Boat Festival will be like this one, full of vitality and fun!


  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, everyone on campus is jubilant and in high spirits. Come closer and have a look. There's a lot of noise in the canteen. What's going on? Originally, the "Dragon Boat Festival zongzi making conference" is being held here!

  I am one of them. I make zongzi with my classmates in the canteen. First of all, we took two pieces of rice dumpling leaves, rolled them into a funnel shape and stuffed them with small grains of glutinous rice... This job is really difficult! The glutinous rice here is stuffed in, the glutinous rice there is leaked out, the glutinous rice there is stuffed in, and the glutinous rice here is leaked out... In this way, the glutinous rice is stuffed and leaked, and the result is that the glutinous rice falls all over the ground, but none of the zongzi is wrapped up. I wanted to cry without tears, so I had to harden my scalp and continue to wrap it.

  Finally, I got through the process of stuffing glutinous rice and came to the process of wrapping meat. At the thought of eating delicious zongzi immediately, I immediately got motivated and stuffed meat without satisfaction. I don't know how long later, the zongzi was stuffed with meat and glutinous rice. Tired and sweating, I nervously tightened the rope, unaware that the glutinous rice was leaking out. I tied a knot on the rope. Suddenly, just listen to the "Pooh" sound, the glutinous rice and meat in the zongzi burst out. I stared at the mess. After waiting for a while, no one paid attention to me, so I had to do it myself

  Finally, I made a zongzi wrapped with a red cloth belt, which was sent to the steamer together with other zongzi.

  In the evening, our whole class ate delicious zongzi.


  Today is the annual traditional festival - the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Early in the morning, grandma went to the market and bought a lot of delicious dishes. She came back and wrapped me my favorite rice dumplings. I went to have a look at the basket. There were yellow croaker, rice wine, eel, cucumber and salted duck eggs in it. Listen to my mother, this is Wuhuang. I want to eat these things today. But when I look at yellow rice wine, I won't drink this. I'd better drink my favorite juice! I helped grandma put the wormwood by the gate. Grandma said it could be used to ward off evil spirits and insects. There is a sachet next to wormwood. I remember I get a sachet to hang around my neck every Dragon Boat Festival.

  I read from the book that the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the day of the great poet Qu Yuan. On this day, people in many places have to Race Dragon dumplings, but I didn't have the opportunity to go to Jiang Village to watch the dragon boat race, because my father has to go to work today and doesn't have time to take me. But I can watch it on TV. I invited my good friend Gao Chang to eat Zongzi at home and watch dragon boat rowing on TV. Today's Dragon Boat Festival was very happy!


  Do you know what day it is today? Of course it's the Dragon Boat Festival. Let's listen!

  The attractive zongzi makes people salivate. The long rice grains are boiled yellow and wrapped with bean paste or jujube. The rice is a little transparent and shows some reddish colors. Its four corners are stubbornly tilted. It's very cute. One bite on the zongzi will fill your mouth with rice fragrance. Another bite will see the dark red filling. The filling is sweet and has a different taste.

  I often eat a full mouth "moustache", and my mother laughs at me. I'm a "big faced cat". But I don't mind. Hehe smiled, licked rice grains with his tongue, wiped his mouth with his hand, and went to find grandma.

  Grandma would look at me with a smile, move slowly in front of the bed and take out several sachets from the needle and thread basket beside the pillow. These sachets are all kinds. In my memory, they don't seem to be the same. Grandma was very skillful at that time and could make many kinds of patterns. There are deer, tigers, snakes and geckos; There are also the of the sun, moon and stars; There are also some flowery and heart-shaped. No matter what he does, just like what he does, although it is not vivid and lifelike, it is by no means worse than those bought by the roadside.

  Although I didn't like the smell of sachets very much, it was undoubtedly my jewelry at that time. I hung the sachet proudly on my chest. Aunt looked at me and laughed at me. I don't care what she said, but I still "admire myself" and ran to play in front of my mother.

  Miss my dear Ornament - grandma's fragrance full of love!


  The school has a three-day holiday on the Dragon Boat Festival. The teacher assigned a lot of homework. I finished all my homework in one day, and I'll have fun in the remaining two days of vacation! On the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, I made handicrafts at home. In the afternoon, Qien and I played badminton in the garden.

  After playing, we went home to take a bath, and then we went out to dinner. We spent a happy Dragon Boat Festival together.

  It's the Dragon Boat Festival. It's the Dragon Boat Festival! "We like to eat pancakes best.

  Today, I followed my grandmother to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. We looked left and right and bought many dishes at once: shrimp, dried pig and eggs... When I got home, my grandmother and I cleaned them and started cooking.

  It's been a while. My family and I ate with relish.

  Eating your own fried dishes is so delicious!

  Today, it's the Dragon Boat Festival. We bought potatoes, noodles, beans, meat, onions, shrimp and flour to make my favorite pie tube.

  Mother peeled the potatoes, cut the potatoes, meat and onions, and then mother cooked them and put the materials on the table.

  Ha ha, it's up to me now. I add noodles, potatoes and onions and wrap them up. Look at the pie tube I wrap. Isn't it good! It's a little short, but it's good on the whole. Some people can't pack at all! For example, my mother reported that it was two-way.

  This is my favorite Dragon Boat Festival.


  Early in the morning, I opened the calendar. Look, today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I put on my clothes and went into the kitchen. Ah! A smell came to my nose. I asked my mother curiously, "Mom, what comes from the Dragon Boat Festival?"

  My mother smiled and said to me: "A long time ago, a poet named Qu Yuan was very patriotic. One day, Qu Yuan heard that the country had lost the war again, so he jumped into the river. Later, people threw rice balls into the river so that fish and shrimp would no longer eat Qu Yuan's body. Since then, people put rice balls into their favorite taste, wrapped them with reed leaves and tied them with ropes, which became zongzi. At the same time, people also had to race dragon boats."

  I asked again, "Mom, what are you going to do on the Dragon Boat Festival?"

  She also said to me, "there are some in here! We want to eat sweet zongzi, race fun dragon boats and drink delicious realgar wine. Of course, we southerners also want to eat 'five yellow'".

  I asked my mother, "what is the five yellow?"?

  My mother said, "five yellows have five things to eat. The first is yellow croaker, the second is cucumber, the third is salted duck egg yolk, the fourth is soybean zongzi, and the fifth is realgar bar".

  Listening to my mother, I have learned a lot of knowledge!


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival on May XX. It is said that it came to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Of course, eating zongzi is essential.

  My father's colleagues brought my father a box of zongzi. I was greedy. When they didn't pay attention, I opened the box and took a zongzi. My mother said that zongzi didn't use water and couldn't be eaten. I said, "where do you get so much attention? Open it directly and eat it." But the glutinous rice of zongzi is not cooked and can't be eaten. I believe it. It really has to be boiled in water. I looked at the box and found that there were only 14 in it. I calculated: I can eat four or five in a meal, my father can eat four or five, my mother can eat three or four, my milk can eat one or two, and my dog has to eat one. If I'm hungry at night, I have to eat one or two, which is not enough. Mom said she would buy materials later. Ha ha, I'm relieved.

  I entered the house. My parents went to buy the materials of zongzi. They didn't come back for an hour or two. They bought a large bag of zongzi leaves, glutinous rice and Malian. Grandma said you should go into the house for a while and call you when you're ready. I went into the room to sleep. After sleeping for more than an hour, I woke up and smelled a delicious smell of glutinous rice. I didn't even wear slippers and ran to the kitchen barefoot.

  WOW! It's so delicious. There are many zongzi. I saw my little tiger (dog) eating zongzi. I said: you have zongzi to eat, and I want to eat it too. In the past, when I ate zongzi, I always pulled out the honey dates in zongzi, because I didn't like it. This time, I think there's no difference between eating glutinous rice and rice. There's no taste at all. I can't waste this time. I want to eat it.

