
时间:2022-05-24 03:31:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】父亲的脸颊,像初升的太阳照着我,期待我的成长;父亲的怀抱,是我最温暖的避风港;父亲的笑容,是我的心愿。父亲节,愿所有的父亲健康开心!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is father's day, which coincides with the school holiday, so I went home early in the morning. I was thinking of buying a present for my father yesterday. What to buy? After thinking about it, I decided to buy two bottles of wine. My father likes to drink two cups. Besides, I buy health medicine wine. It's good for my health and I like it. It can't be better.

  When I got home, I saw my father sitting in the armchair by the gate, reading the newspaper and wearing a pair of reading glasses. When did my young father have to wear reading glasses? The father who used to be proud of his eyes now doesn't wear reading glasses. He may need a magnifying glass to see the words in the newspaper. In recent years, my father is really much older.

  The school only has a holiday once every two weeks. Sometimes it has to study, hold meetings or be on duty, or even go home only once a month. But as soon as I get home, there will be a lot of laughter at home. They listened to me talk about the school and the students in the class. The atmosphere was much more lively at the dinner table. Seeing me go home, my father got up to help me open the big iron door, but I was faster. I opened the door myself and went straight in. Shouted to his father, "today is father's day. I'll give you two bottles of wine."

  Dad was happy to see me deliver wine. But my mother pulled her face aside. She didn't stop nagging my father about drinking. As soon as I saw something wrong, I joked with my mother, "are you jealous because I didn't give you a gift on Mother's day? I called home, but you've gone to Putuo Mountain. Sorry, I'll give it back another day. Today, Dad, I must have two drinks with Dad." Mother said no again and again and smiled. The daughter is a little cotton padded jacket with close parents. Who said no? Because my daughter is more careful and kind, my careless brother forgot. I didn't call him last night. Later, he said he was going to fry some dishes for his father. He is better than me. In the past, when our sister and brother were alone at home, he cooked the meals.

  My brother brought up the hot food. It smells so delicious! With the strong aroma of wine, we raise our glasses to wish Dad a happy holiday. Then at the dinner table, my father and brother talked about the ball game last night. My mother and I talked about it, school, home and others

  I looked up at my father. I found that I didn't dare to look too carefully for fear of seeing more white hair. I know the father who is not good at expression, but the father who is happy on his face must want to cry in his heart.

  At this moment, my tears flow down disobediently.


  Today is father's day, a happy holiday for fathers. I want to do something for my father and give him a surprise.

  In the morning, my mother and I got up, and my father was still sleeping because he didn't work today. Usually, he has to clean up the house and cook, so I decided to do a big cleaning.

  I first sweep the floor at home. When I started cleaning, I looked at the clock. It's 9 o'clock. I want to finish it before 11 o'clock, because I have to cook lunch for my father. I'll let the floor sweeper sweep by myself. I'll tidy up the room. I clean all the bedrooms first, and then clean the windows. It's 9:50. I have to hurry up. I put my family's clothes in the washing machine, then put the washing powder, and finally press the start button.

  Taking advantage of this time, I went to clean the bathroom and mop the floor. I went to the hall to see how the floor sweeper was doing. As soon as I saw it, I found that there were still some dirty places, and I cleaned them by hand. At first glance, the tea table was too untidy. I was busy cleaning up for a while. It was 10:50.

  I took out my lucky money to buy vegetables and hurried home to cook. I cooked a lot of dishes, including scrambled eggs with tomatoes and diced chicken with Kung Pao

  Dad came when he smelled the fragrance. When he saw me sweating, he was surprised and happy: "my Tongtong is really capable. I'll try it." Then he put a piece of diced chicken in his mouth. "Well, it tastes good. It's delicious."

  At noon, I was very happy to watch my father wolf down the food I cooked.


  June 16 is a special day - father's day. I'm going to do something to express my love for him.

  Think about how ignorant I used to be. My father is busy all day. He has to cook for me when he comes back from work. I've never been tired. I just sit in my room and play and always complain.

  What gift do you want for Dad? After thinking for a long time, I decided to do housework for my father on this day, so that my father could see this brand-new home when he came home from work, which made my father clear-minded and suddenly bright. So I finished my homework quickly and began to prepare for housework. First of all, I want to wipe the cabinets, tables, chairs and other things at home to make them clean. I'll do whatever I say. I found a clean rag and wiped it. I thought it was simple, but when I really did it, I found that many details should be paid attention to when cleaning the table, such as some dead corners, and some dirty things on the table legs are actually difficult to wipe off. After I worked very hard to clean these homes, the time has gone for more than an hour, and my father is about to leave work. My heart is happy to think of this. Then I began to clean up my small room again. I cleaned up the books and pens on the desk and rearranged the books on the bookshelf. The originally scattered books stood on the bookshelf in good order, and they had their own data and their own positions, These books seem to be much more tidy than before! When I was about to breathe, when I heard my father's key, I hurried to welcome my father to the door and said to my father, "happy father's Day!" Then I took my father to see the fruits of my labor, and my father smiled knowingly.

  This father's day, I not only gave my father happiness, but also understood the hardships of my parents and the true meaning of father's love.


  Today is father's day. While eating the fragrant overnight zongzi, I thought about what I should do for my father. The more dumplings I eat, the less I eat, but I still feel confused and have no clue. Fortunately, father and mother went out to work.

  After breakfast, I came to my desk and was ready to fight for the mountain of homework. His eyes inadvertently scanned a group photo of himself and his father when he was a child, took it up and speculated carefully - under his father's thick black hair, he was wearing a pair of black framed glasses with distinctive characteristics of the times, with youthful passion in his eyes, ambition in his eyes, which was particularly conspicuous in a piece of silver and plain. I recalled that it was the winter when I was 4 years old. My mother took it when my father took me to baobai square.

  How beautiful the world was then! I can't help sighing.

  Then my father came back and I went downstairs to pick him up. When he saw me awake, he told me in the first sentence that he had solved the math problem I couldn't solve last time. Let me take out the paper so that he could explain it to me. Thursday's question tortured me all night and didn't give up until 11:30 p.m. I don't know how long it took my father to find the answer.

  He patiently finished talking to me. After that, he looked at me with expectant eyes and asked me if I understood. Looking at his barren forehead, how can I bear to tell him that I have consulted my classmates? After I told him I understood, my father smiled happily like a child whose wish was fulfilled.

  I went back to my study to continue my homework, but I was lost in thought. When I was sick, I always took care of my father in the first place, even if I was sick for a long time. Never hesitate.

  Time erased his black hair, wasted his wisdom and took away his ambition. But he taught me to be rigorous, honest and grateful. I always want to say to him: father, you've worked hard!


  Today is father's day. My father is out for work. I called my father to wish him a happy holiday. My father said happily, "thank you." I also secretly made a holiday card for my father at home and gave him a surprise when he came back.

  Dad usually works very busy. He often sets out for engineering work. He sets out about half a month. However, he was still busy and took time to help me with my homework, such as English and mathematics. If he didn't understand anything, he explained it to me patiently and carefully until I understood it.

  "At the beginning of this semester, my point reader broke down. In order not to affect my English study, my father hurried to find someone to fix it." My mother said, "after the point reader was repaired, my father input the English content of the new semester all night. He was busy until more than two o'clock in the middle of the night." I was very moved after listening to it. I said in my heart, "Dad, you've worked hard." I will always keep in mind my father's concern for me.

  When my father was a child, his family was poor and couldn't afford to go to college. After graduating from high school, he joined the army and became a soldier, so he pinned his hope of going to college on me. My father said, "now life is good and the learning environment is good. In learning, you should work hard. There is no shortcut to study. As long as you work hard, you can succeed and knowledge can change everything."

  Dad, I love you!


  Father's Day is coming. In order to show our respect and love for our father, everyone will send gifts to our father, which is something we disdain to say. But I want to give my father a unique surprise. Surprise is surprise, which is unexpected.

  I remember reading genius Cao's "forest" and mentioned the word "picnic". There must be something to eat for a picnic. Then... It's better to invite my father to have a big meal. I don't know where the money I saved recently should be used. Now, I can use the money to invite my father to have a meal.

  After the extracurricular class, I talked to my father on the phone, made an appointment, and waited for him at the Jianzi chaozu hotel. Fifteen minutes later, my father came in and patted me on the shoulder: "OK, start ordering!" I took the recipe and began to say, "a pot of dog meat, a plate of soft fried tenderloin and two bowls of cold noodles." It's hot. My father wants a bowl of cold noodles in any restaurant. At this time, my father smokes, which makes me feel less. I try my best to recall, oh! I suddenly realized that it was beer. I shouted excitedly, "waiter! A bottle of beer!" The beer immediately appeared on the table. I opened the bottle cap with my clumsy hands and poured it for my father. After a while, the food came up. My father made a lonely dry heart. I saw the trend and shouted, "waiter, seven up." Wish Dad a happy holiday! I said as I raised my glass.

  Pick up seven up and drink to Dad. Dad smiles happily. Looking at my father's smiling face, I was stunned. I remembered that I had a minimum score of 67! My father's face was red and purple with anger. I wasn't even so angry when I broke other people's glass. At the thought of this, I couldn't help shivering. The meal had been finished. I found a waiter to settle the bill, and my father and I went home together.

  My father has worked for many years, but maintained well. I have grown as high as my father's ears. What will he do to his eldest son in the future? Let me worry about him. I looked at my father. My father was still very tall. The sunset cast the last golden light, which pulled the shadow of father and son very long.

  This father's day has made me grow up a lot.


  Today is father's day. I prepared a gift for my father. It was secretly put in the drawer of my study yesterday. When my father went to read, I gave him a surprise.

  Early in the morning, I was awakened by the alarm clock. I deliberately set a time half an hour earlier than usual. After getting up, before my father got up, I went outside the community to buy my father's favorite breakfast: xiaolongbao, and then boiled some eggs. Looking at the breakfast on the table, I was very satisfied. Then you can wake Dad up. Dad got up and saw the breakfast on the table. He looked at me a little incredulously and asked, "did you prepare it?" I nodded. "How did you behave so well today?" Dad continued, "today is father's day," I said shyly. "It's father's day. I forgot it. It's the first time to eat the breakfast you prepared." After listening to my father's words, I felt a little sad. I haven't cooked a meal for my father since I was so old. After dinner, my father went to work in the study. After a while, I heard my father calling me, "there is a gift box in the drawer. Is it yours?"

  "It's not mine. You can open it and see who it is." I pretended that I didn't know. The mother on the side couldn't see it anymore. She cut in and said, "it's your daughter's father's Day gift for you." My father took out the box, opened it carefully and took out the gift: an electric toothbrush. My father was very happy and said to me, "I've long wanted to buy an electric toothbrush. My daughter is very considerate." When I was shopping a few days ago, I saw that my father had chosen in front of the electric toothbrush rack for a long time. I knew that my father liked it. I saved my usual pocket money just to surprise my father on father's day.

  Looking at my carefully prepared gift, my father happily touched my head and said, "our children have grown up." My heart is also sweet.


  Father's day this is a festival of filial piety to my father. Such a festival is a good time for my father to rest and experience being a father. Father's day makes me unforgettable.

  There are many things that happen on father's day. The only thing that makes me unforgettable is communication, heart to heart, having dinner with my father, and the best time is the time with my father.

  Father's Day reminds me to give my father some surprises and make my father feel that father's Day is a warm and unforgettable time for my father. In fact, in life, father is our closest person, and father's love is like a mountain surrounded by us. Around me all the time. Father's Day reminds me of my father's greatness and selflessness.

  Give me financial support in life, give me in life Learning motivation, in fact, is the greatest and most selfless. In this world, only my father can bring me such selflessness. On this father's day, I thought of making a meal for my father and let him sit there and feel warm.

  I went to the market to buy some vegetables and came back, and then I began to get busy. Wash vegetables and cook, wash vegetables and cook. In this busy time, what I don't feel is a kind of warmth, what I don't feel is a kind of family happiness, which brings me a kind of exercise in my life. While exercising, I feel a kind of love, a kind of selfless love, a kind of great father's love, surrounded by me all the time.

  The unforgettable father's day makes me feel warm and feel my father's pain and fatigue in this world for us.


  Today is father's day. In this comfortable father's day, we should be grateful for father's day and father's love.

  What is father's love? Is it something as delicious as honey, fragrant flowers give birth to you, and sour as lemon? No, it's an invisible thing that can bring warmth to people.

  My father has been busy for us since he was born. When we grow up, my father should have suffered a lot. It's time to have a rest. Facing the father's love like a mountain, how should children face it? Father's Day is a holiday to thank your father.

  On father's day, let's be grateful for father's day. We must give our father a blessing or a father's Day gift to repay our father's love for us.

  Yesterday was father's day. My father and grandma went out early in the morning. My mother and I were at home. After lunch, I asked my mother, "when will dad be back?" Mother said, "it should be coming soon." I'm going to make a fruit platter for my father as a father's Day gift.

  I chose several kinds of fruits at home, including apple, mangosteen, monkey peach and orange. I washed the fruit first, then peeled the apple, peeled the mangosteen, and cut the apple, monkey peach and orange. Finally, I put the shape of a big flower on the plate, with a monkey peach as the center, an orange and an apple as the petals, and a mangosteen as a small ornament on the petals.

  Before long, my father came back. I gave my father a gift made by myself. My father said, "it's good to have a daughter!" My heart was filled with joy. Dad also shared my gifts with grandma and mom.


  Today is a warm father's day, a holiday for fathers all over the world. My father loves meat. I decided a long time ago that I would make a barbecue for my father on father's day to celebrate father's day.

  In order to barbecue for my father, I learned it for a long time. At first, I found information on the Internet and the steps of barbecue. Later, my mother taught me myself. Now I have a plan in mind, but the time has not come. After a long wait, I finally wait until noon. I couldn't wait to take out the clip my mother had prepared for me and roast the meat.

  I finally looked forward to noon, so I couldn't wait to start cooking barbecue. I first drop the oil in the center of the baking pan of the microwave oven, and then apply the oil evenly around with my fingers. Then, I put the meat slices marinated by my mother neatly on the baking plate, then gently put the baking plate into the microwave oven, close the door and select the barbecue program button. My mother said that the microwave oven has radiation to the human body, so I temporarily went back to the living room to read. After ten minutes, I quickly put down my book, ran to the kitchen, opened the door of the microwave oven, turned the meat pieces one by one, and sprinkled cumin, salt and pepper and garlic as my mother taught me.

  Then I closed the door of the microwave oven again and continued heating. After another five minutes, the microwave oven gave out a prompt sound of "didi". I opened the door of the stove with expectation. Immediately, a thick smell of meat came to my face, and the meat was well cooked. Finally, I served the barbecue to the table. A plate of fragrant roast meat is fresh out of the oven.

  Dad picked up chopsticks, picked up a piece of barbecue, put it into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and said with praise, "good! Good!" I also quickly picked up a piece and stuffed it into my mouth. Ah, it tastes great. Soon, my father and I "reimbursed" the first plate of barbecue by dividing five by two. So I started making the second set again

