小升初英语语法感叹句知识点:以Fancy doing sth呈现的感叹
以fancy doing sth 句式呈现的感叹句通常表示惊奇、出乎意料或难以想像。如:
Fancy meeting you! 真想不到会碰见你!
Fancy doing that! 想不到做那种事!
Fancy having to get up at 5 a. m. every day! 想想每天早上五点钟就得起床!
Well, I never! Fancy getting married and not telling us! 嘿, 好家伙! 你竟想偷偷结婚不告诉我们!
Would you like to marry Malcolm? Fancy seeing it every day! 你想和马尔科姆结婚吗? 真想不到要每天看见他!
Fancy never having seen the sea! 竟然从未见过大海!
Fancy her being so rude! 没想到她竟如此放肆!
Fancy you having noticed! 真想不到你已经注意到了!
Fancy you having done such a thing! 没想到你做出了这样的事!
Harry, you old bastard! Fancy meeting you here! 哈利,你这老家伙! 真没想到在这里遇见你!
Fancy you sitting there as if nothing had happened! 想不到你坐在那里,仿佛什么也没发生似的!
Fancy that! 多奇怪呀!
“Well, well, well,” I crowed. “Fancy that! What have we here!” “哟,哟,哟,”我欢呼道。“太神奇了!看看我们这儿有什么啊!”