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【#小学英语# 导语】英语试卷的目的不仅只是考个分数,证明我成绩多好多坏,更重要的是,在做题中,你要明白其中的题型、题意,可以举一反三。不要让试卷这些在你眼中成为一种负担,明白学习的意义。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有用。




( )1. A. send B. sent C. get

( ) 2. A. surprise B. special C. speak

( ) 3. A. place B. pleased C. please

( ) 4. A. delicious B. different C. difficult

( ) 5. A. stop B. sleep C. stamp



1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______

Ⅲ、听问句, 选答语。

( ) 1. A. It’s Five-Finger Mountains. B. They are from Canada.

( ) 2. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, you can.

( ) 3. A. I’m swimming. B. I like swimming.

( ) 4. A. It’s more than two thousand years old.

B. It’s ten thousand li long.

( ) 5. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I haven’t .


1. Amy wants to __________ this Sunday.

A. see a clock B. see a film C. visit a museum

2. They will go to _____________.

A. the Museum of History B. Tom’s home C. the cinema

3. The museum is about__________ years old.

A. two B. two thousand C. two hundred

4. The clock is __________ metres high.

A. fifty B. forty C. thirty

5. The Museum of History is near to _____________.

A. Amy’s home B. Tom’s home C. their school



1、How long is the Great Wall? It’s five thousand ______ (公里)long.

2、The moon is _______ ______(数百万) years old.

3、There are many beautiful ____________(地方) there.

4、I like ___________(收集) toy cars, what about you?

5、Spring Festival is a __________ (特殊的) day in China.

6、Please _______ _____ (写信给) me. Here is my _______(地址).

7、She can _______ _______ _______ (说一些英语).


( ) 1.Have you got ______ photos of America?

A. some B. any C. a

( ) 2. Do you want _______ my pen pal?

A. to B. be C. to be

( ) 3. I’m going to send______ email _______ my mum.

A. an, to B. an, for C. a, to

( ) 4. These stamps are ____ China and they _____ from 1988.

A. on , are B. in , are C. from , are

( ) 5. ----What _____ she ______ ? ---- She’s writing.

A. does, doing B. is, doing C. does, do

( ) 6. A: Can I write to _____ ? B: Yes, of course.

A. hers B. his C. him

( ) 7.______ you from England?

A. Do B. Are C. Is

( ) 8. National Day is _______ the 1st of October.

A. on B. in C. at

( ) 9. She is clever. She can write _______ English.

A. with B. on C. in

( )10. I want an ______ friend.

A. American B. Chinese C. Canadian


1. There _______(be) four dogs in the street.

2. We ________ (eat) lots of seafood yesterday.

3. Let’s __________ (go) swimming.

4. Thanksgiving _________ (come) every year.

5. I want ________ (write) to my pen pal.


( ) 1. How old is your brother? A. No, I can’t.

( ) 2. Where did you go yesterday? B. She is flying a kite.

( ) 3. What is Amy doing? C. He’s ten years old.

( ) 4. When is Thanksgiving? D. I went to the library.

( ) 5. Can you walk all of it? E. It’s in November.


A: _________1____________ http://ww w.xk b1.com

B: I’m putting my new stamps into my album.

A: __________2_____________

B: Yes, I have.____3_________

A: What’s the name of the mountain in this stamp?

B: _____4______ This mountain is in Hainan Island.

A: __________5______________

B: In 2008.


Passage1: 判断正(T)误(F)

Dear Lanlan,

How are you? I want to go to China very much. I think I know something about China from your letters, but I know little about Chinese food. I like hamburgers and cookies(小甜饼) very much. I don’t like noodles. I can cook some delicious pizza. Do you like pizza? I can cook for you. Can you teach me how to make dumplings? I like them very much. What food can I have in China? Please write to me soon.



( ) 1. Lanlan is Tim’s friend.

( ) 2. He can cook pizza.

( )3. He can cook dumplings.

( )4. He doesn’t know much about Chinese food.

( )5. He knows something about China from Chinese books.

Passage2: 回答下列问题

Christmas is a very important western(西方的)festival. It is on the 25th of December. People decorate(装饰)their homes. They send Christmas cards to their relatives(亲戚)and friends, and they buy Christmas trees to decorate their homes. They buy presents and put them under their Christmas trees. Some families open their presents on Christmas Eve(前夜). On Christmas Day, people all say“ Merry Christmas”. There are lights in the streets and shops. Everyone gets together and has a large meal. They have a good time.

1. When is Christmas?


2. What do people put under the Christmas trees?


3. What can you see in the streets?


4. What do people send?


5. What do people say on Christmas?






1.heavy(比较级) 2.short(比较级) 3.happy(反义词)

4.foot(复数) 5.centimeter(缩写) 6.hot(比较级)

7.smaller(反义词) 8.kilogram(缩写) 9.easy(比较级)

10.up(反义词) 11.Hong Kong(缩写) 12.fat(比较级)

13.feet(单数) 14.centimeter(缩写) 15.little(比较级)


( )1.How Peter feel,Mary? A .is B .do C .does

( )2.Chen Jie is very , because her dog has run away,

A .bad B .sad C .happy

( )3.My friend likes picture. A .draw B .draws C .drawing

( )4.If you have a fever, you might have the . A .flu B .hurt C .stomachache

( )5.Sarah is sick.What should she not do?

A .Have a rest. B .Go swimming C .Stay in bed.


1.nicer, the, the, big, cat, one, is ,small, than(.)(连词成句)

2.Alice‘s pencil is 22cm long. Betty’s pencil is 9cm long.(合成一个句子)

3.A killer whale is 3,600kg.(根据画线部分提问)

4.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(译成中文)

5.How do you feel today?(根据实际回答)


Sam: Hello,Ted. You look perfect.You are fit now.How 1 are you?

Ted: I‘m 50kg.You are 2 than me.You look taller than before.How 3 are you ,Sam?

Sam: I’m 165cm and 45kg.

Ted: Oh, you are 4 taller than me.But you are 5 thinner than me.Please eat more.

Sam:Yes,I want to be as fit as you.

( )1.A. heavy B .tall C. long

( )2.A.stronger B.thinner C.heavier

( )3.A.long B.tall C.much

( )4.A.10m B.10g C. 10cm

( )5.A.5kg B. 5cm C. 10kg




( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( )1. A. Okay B. Look out!

( )2.A. On December .12th B. Twice a week

( )3.A. Yes, I like. B. Pizza, please.

( )4. Yes, please. B. I‘m glad to hear that.

( )5. A. Sorry. B. You’re welcome.


I to the department store with Danny. We Christmas gifts. Then Danny saw .We to Santa. Danny said he wanted a new ! Santa laughed.



1.b sk ball 2.sh ts 3.b nes 4.b ch 5.s d

沙 骨骼 海滩 篮球 短裤




Will goWill swimWill teach


( )1.What is it? -it‘s five o’clock.

A. colour B. time C. would D. fun

( )2. Look the little dog. He is so lovely.

A. at B. in C. on D. throw

( )3. is it? It is a blackboard.

A.What B. Where C. when D. How

( )4. books do you have? I have four books in my hand.

A. what B. Where C. When D. How

( )5. do you leave for Shijiazhuang. -This Monday.

A. What B. When C. How many D. How much


1.You, dumpling ,do ,like

2.at, Tian‘anmen square, is Li Ming, this

3.is, the, today, how, weather


1.A.What day is it today?

B. It’s .

2.A. ?

B. I‘d like some bread.

A. Would you like some juice?

B. .

3. A. Can I have a T-shirt?

B. Ok. Here .


Running star Katrina Pedrosa eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples. For lunch, she likes hamburgers, salad, and oranges, And for dinner, she has chicken, tomatoes, French fries and for dessert, ice cream.

( )1.For breakfast Katrina eats .

A. eggs and milk B. eggs and bananas, apples

C. apples and milk D. milk and bananas

( )2.Does she like hamburgers?

A.No, she doesn’t. B. Yes, she does.

C. No, she isn‘t. D. Yes, she is.

( )3.What does she eat after dinner?

A.Some fruit. B. Ice cream

B.Some juice. D. Salad

( )4.Does Katrina Pedrosa eat breakfast?

A. Yes. B. No. C. Sometimes D. never

