食品安全的英语作文一:食品安全作文400字 食品安全作文400字 “走,带你们一起去吃好吃的!”“耶!”妈妈带着我们去外面吃饭,刚停在了一家肯德基前。我立马有一种想吐的感觉,大家知道原本那么喜欢去肯德基吃东西,为什么现在会变成这样吗?请容我慢慢解释。 在不久前的一天,我在QQ上聊天,听朋友说那肯德基有问题,出于好奇我先在电脑上查找了肯德基,在最后我看到了有关变异鸡的。点进去一看,哇!我要吐了。你知道吗?那图片中有一只鸡竟有6只翅膀的,还不只这一只呢!还有8只脚两个头的呢,看着这一张张的图片,胃在肚子里不停地翻滚。天哪!这还是人吃的东西吗?要是你把这其中的一张拿给正在吃鸡顾客,你说他们会有怎样的表情呢?在最后的一张漫画中,上面有一个人用针管在给鸡注射,那鸡就马上变大。那针管中的液体是泥胶化学成分,那人竟然说这种物质对人体无害。难怪那么多消费者被这给骗了。我还听说肯德基可乐里的冰块中的细菌是马桶里的六倍。我立刻把这些汇报给妈妈,妈妈听了立刻掉头换别的吃。想当初我很喜欢吃肯德基的,没想到会变成这样,以后再也不吃了! 我也非常喜欢吃河粉,以前小时候就想着去吃。可有一天傍晚我在电视上看到那河粉竟有如此大的“威力”。 这一天,在湖南台的新闻大求真中他们在检验河粉是否有问题时做了一个实验。他们竟能用一根河粉带起5斤重的油,牛皮筋也不带这么夸张的,他们到底在河粉里加了多少“牛皮筋”啊!如果再这么吃河粉下去,我一定会变成“牛皮筋”的。看完之后,没过多久,妈妈购物回来了。她笑眯眯地对我说:“梦婕,妈妈给你买了你最爱吃的河粉,快尝尝吧!”说实话,当时真的很想去拉一拉,看它到底牢不牢。所以我理所当然的“拒绝”了它。 今天来到小桔灯作文班,因为有关作文,所以老师给我们看了有关食品的“绯闻”。过程中,老师讲起了一直被很多人拒绝,又有很多人吃的方便面。我家就有方便面,不常吃,但每吃一次就肯定是一边吃一边听妈妈唠叨。可今天看来,这东西还是不碰为妙。 现在这么看来,微博上,电脑上,电视上都有很多食品安全隐患。我曾跟周老师开玩笑说再这样下去我们就不用吃东西了,周老师说那大米也还是可以吃的。我反驳道,也有些大米是转基因的。你们要小心哦!这么多食品有问题,这食品安全谁来管? 食品安全的英语作文二:英语作文 演讲稿 American food(美国食物) Good morning, everyone! My name is Marco, today my topic is American food. In America, there is so much delicious food, such as pasta, burgers. Hotdogs is very popular in America. It is a kind of delicious food. It is a cooked sausage, traditionally grilled or steamed and served in a sliced bun as a sandwich. People love it very much. Most of the American people love drinking. They love cola, juice, wine and beer. When people eat BBQ, watch the football matches or basketball matches, they usually drink cold beer. Juice is a nice and healthy drink. It made from fruits. I like orange juice best. Many American people drink orange juice for breakfast. It is good for our body. There are many KFC and McDonald’s in America. Many American people like fast food. If people are in a hurry, they have no time to cook; they prefer to eat fast food. People love fast food, but eating too much fast food could make people fat and unhealthy. I love western food. But I think Chinese food is better than it. Because Chinese food is healthier. It is more delicious too. That’s all. Thank you! 本文来源: