
时间:2022-07-25 11:01:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Nowadays food safety has become a serious problem. For example, the event of a sick beef crisis caused by mad cow disease, which once shocked the world, eventually led to economic losses and death in many countries in Europe. Doesn't that get our attention?

Compared to foreign countries, China's food safety also has loopholes, before the Sanlu milk powder incident is not a case. In this case, the government should introduce laws and send supervisors to supermarkets and markets regularly. Establish corresponding punishment standards and publicize food safety knowledge. The government has stepped up efforts to publicize among students.

In addition, people should consciously learn the knowledge of food safety so that they can save themselves or rescue the poisoning personnel in time after the occurrence of poisoning incidents.

现如今 食品安全问题已经成为一个严重的问题.例如曾经震惊世界的疯牛病引发的病牛肉危机事件,最终导致欧洲多个国家经济损失 ,人员死亡.这难道还不能引起我们的重视吗? 相对于外国,中国的食品安全也同样存在漏洞,之前出现的三鹿奶粉事件不就是个案例.对于这种情况政府应该出台相应法律并且定期的派监督员前往超市和市场检测.制定相应的惩治标准同时宣传食品安全知识.政府加大力度在学生中宣传的力度. 除此之外,人们应该自觉学习食品安全知识便于遭遇中毒事件发生之后可以及时自救或者救助中毒人员.
