兴高采烈的反义词有哪些 现代汉语在修辞上具有很重要的作用。反义词的正确辨析与熟练掌握、运用,可以充分发挥词语的表义功能,提高我们运用语言的能力.新学期即将来临,童鞋们将又面临一轮的复习,以下是小编收集整理的关于兴高采烈的反义词,希望对你有用! 兴高采烈 相关的反义词: 垂头丧气 无精打采 闷闷不乐 垂头丧气 中文解释: 【解释】:兴:原指志趣,后指兴致;采:原指神采,后指精神;烈:旺盛。原指文章志趣高尚,言词犀利。后多形容兴致高,精神饱满。 【出自】:南朝梁·刘勰《文心雕龙·体性》:“步夜俊侠,故兴高而采烈。” 【示例】:阿二忽然对于曾沧海的威吓全没怕惧,反而~的说起来了。 ◎茅盾《子夜》四 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义 英文解释 1.be jubilant; be in buoyant spirits; be in good [high] spirits; elated; feel one's oats; full of spirits and elated; go into raptures (with glee); in great delight; in high [fine] feather; merry; on top of the world; paint the town red; with bells on; with 例句 她兴高采烈地笑着, She had an exuberant smile. 现在,人们兴高采烈地分享着诊所的故事。 Now, people happily share stories about the clinic. 感到幸福并不意味着任何时候都要兴高采烈。 Being happy doesn't mean feeling elated all the time. 这至少是兴高采烈的西班牙官员们急急忙忙向本国媒体透露的消息。 That, at least, was what euphoric spanish officials breathlessly told their national media. 你怎么能这么兴高采烈? How can you be so happy? 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/00b4c2e6d938376baf1ffc4ffe4733687e21fcaf.html