瞌睡公主Sleepy Princess 睡觉时间到了。It is sleepy time. 去睡觉go to bed 晚安Goodnight 我不困。I am not sleepy. 故事story 就一个故事just one story 去睡觉go to sleep 我保证!I promise! 一个好听的故事a good story 城堡Castle 一个小公主a little princess 非常漂亮very pretty 照镜子looking at herself in the mirror 我很漂亮I am so pretty! 小王子small Prince 王后Queen Mummy 国王King 非常帅气very handsome 一只恐龙A dinosaur 很温和very gentle 很多草lots of grass 星星和月亮出来了 the stars and moon come out 很困very sleepy 你困吗?Are you sleepy? 我一点儿也不困。I am not sleepy at all. 真的吗?Really? 越来越困More and more sleepy 睡着了fall asleep. 晚安Good night 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/02bdbad1ef630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77da3699702.html