证 明 学生 徐某某,男,出生于19XX年0X月。自20XX年0X月起至今在中山大学XX学院XX专业学习。目前全部课程平均绩点为3.X,在本专业XXX名学生之中排名第XX。 评分体系: (A)90-100=4.0-5.0 (B)80-89=3.0-3.9 (C)70-79=2.0-2.9 (D)60-69=1.0-1.9 (E)0-59=0 中山大学教务处 20XX年XX月XX日 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that XU HaoXX, Male, born in February 199X, has been studying in the Software Engineering Major of School of Software in Sun Yat-sen University from September 2011 as an undergraduate, with an overall GPA of 3.8 for the present, and ranked 15 among the 148 students in his class. Grading System: (A)90-100=4.0-5.0 (B)80-89=3.0-3.9 (C)70-79=2.0-2.9 (D)60-69=1.0-1.9 (E)0-59=0 Dean’s Office Sun Yat-sen University October 27, 2014 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/02f6c0a74028915f814dc237.html