英语演讲比赛冠军:穿越海洋 Crossing the SeaB Liang Limin align=left>专家点评:引用文学大师的诗句作为开场白,与完毕语首尾照应,颇有感染力。东西方文化的交融表现得非常鲜明,意味深长,是篇优秀的演讲。Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen。 The title of m speeh toda is "Crossing the Sea" 。 An English poet b the name of Rudard Kipling one rote in this poem "We and The" :All the people like us are Weand everone else is TheWe live over the seaWhile The live over the aWe eat pork and beef ith o horn-handled knivesThe ho gobble their rie off a leafAre horrified out of their lives。When these lines first aught m ees, I as shoked--ho ould to people remain so isolated andignorant of eah other in the past? Toda's soiet, of ourse, is an entirel different piture。Those people ho used to eat ith gobble their rie might be as ell have taken to fish and hips。align=left>Indeed, just take China as example; Our modern life has been influened b Westernof living in so man as that it's no longer surprising to see teenagers going raz about rok-and-roll, hole families dining out at MDonald's and even rather elderl people dressed in Apple Jeans。align=left>Hoever, these are onl some expressions of the ultural hanges taking plae in our soiet toda。What is reall going on is a subtle but signifiant restruturing of the nation's mentalit。 Just look around。align=left>Ho man ollege graduates are read to pete aggressivel for ever job opportunit, hereas not long ago the ere asked just to sit idle and ait for hatever as to be assigned to them b the government?align=left>Ho man oung people are no eager to seek for an independent life hereas onl to deades ago the ould rel totall on their parents to arrange for their future? Ask anone ho partiipates in toda's speeh ontest。 Who has not e ith a ill to fight and ho has not e determined toahieve self-fulfillment in inning the game? And I'm quite ertain that if Confuius had lived to seetoda's China, he ould have been horrified to see oung lovers kissing eah other in publi plaes inan unreserved expression of their passion。align=left>It is therefore evident that e as desendants of an anient Eastern ivilization are alread living under strong influene of the Western ulture。 But it is not onl in China that e find the inorporation of the to ultures。align=left>Take the United States as an example: During the80s, in fae of the overhelming petition from Japan, man Amerian panies suh as the Ford began to adopt a teamork management from their rivals, the essene of hih, la at the ver ore of Eastern ulture。align=left>Take the Chinese aupunture as another example: This traditional treatment of diseases is finall finding its a to the West and hene the underling notion that illness is resulted from the imbalane beteen in and ang ithin the bod--an idea hih ould strike an Westerner as inredible in the past!align=left>Ladies and Gentlemen, e live in a great epoh hen the global integration of eonom and the information revolution have brought ultures of the orld loser than ever before。 We live in a partiular era hen ountries, East and West, find themselves in need of readjusting their traditional values。 We live, at the same time, at a ritial junture of our evolution beause suh problems as ethni onflits and regional unrest are inreasingl posing a threat to the peae and happiness of the hole human rae。To ope ith suh an era and to embrae an even brighter future, e need to learn to live more harmoniousl in a orld munit hih is being smaller and smaller。 M dear fello students, our mand of the English language render sit possible for us to gain an insight into Western ulture hile retaining our on ultural identit。align=left>Therefore, it is our sared responsibilit to promote the ultural exhanges and hene the mutualunderstanding beteen China and the rest of the orld。align=left>It is m happiest dream that ne generation of Chinese ill not onl gro up drinking Coa ola and athing Hollood, but also be blessed ith the far-reahing benefits of multiple ultures; benefits that our forefathers had never, ever dreamed of。align=left>To end m speeh, I ould like to e Rudard Kipling 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/03a458297a563c1ec5da50e2524de518964bd312.html