显示的英语单词 显示指: 1.明显地表示 显示出他的才能 2.通讯中以图像方式显示信息的器件。你知道显示的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 显示英语单词1: display 显示英语单词2: show 显示英语单词3: reveal 显示的英语例句: 清楚易操作的菜单控制式屏幕显示 A clear and easy-to-follow menu-driven on-screen display 他颤抖的双手显示出他内心的恐惧。 His shaking hands showed his inward fear. 他显示出领导才能。 He shows quality of leadership. 这张图显示这幢房子建成后正面的外观。 This drawing shows what the front elevation of the house will look like when it is built. 这一陈述显示了他们了解的情况之多,因而十分重要。 This statement was important insomuch as it revealed the extent of their knowledge. 结果显示,没证据显示空气或食水样本受到感染。 Air and water samples showed no evidence of contamination. 控件显示单行文本,并且不显示滚动条。 Control displays a single line of text and does not display scroll bars. 方法来交换第一个显示列和最后一个显示列。 Swap the last column with the first. 这个显示模板显示幻灯片视图。 This presentation template renders the slide show view. 突出显示的结果的主题显示在右窗格中。 The topic for the highlighted result is shown in the right pane. 对于谷歌眼镜显示器的初步共识是,它足以胜任显示需要,但仍有提升空间。 The early consensus around glass 's display is it' s competent, but it could be much better. 全民公决无疑显示选民支持独立。 A referendum showed beyond doubt that voters wanted independence. 我们的调查显示这些过敏多为一次性反应。 Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one-offs. 显示出不凡的数学能力的儿童 Children who display extraordinary mathematical ability 他显示出近乎天才的创造力。 He displayed an originality amounting almost to genius. 屏幕上明明显示的是“最小音量”,但喇叭还是以90分贝的音量咆哮着,耳膜都快被它震破了。 The display clearly shows 'minimum volume,' and yet the speaker crackles on with 90 decibels of eardrum-piercing Sturm und Drang. LG显示第二季度净亏损9,800万美元,该公司将亏损归因为采用液晶显示屏技术的电视机和手机设备需求疲软。 LG display, which reported second-quarter net loss of$ 98 million, noted the loss on the sluggish demand for TV sets and mobile devices that use the LCD display technology. 没有迹象显示他的智力受到了损害,但是他的一生却是疾病缠身。 There had been no indication of any loss of mental faculties. His whole life had nevertheless been clouded with a series of 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/04af6ccf83eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e85243e88.html