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假如是要翻译的话:The way to to learn the English language using English

假如是要学习方法:Read-- 你必需要勤劳阅读英文书籍(建议找--Harry Potter,Twilight Times Magazine, Readers' DigestWrite-- 平常就要常写:如练习作文,用英文完整发表的感想(1 paragraph at leastListen-- 平常看英文的节目和电台,留意他们的发音(如重音在哪--腔调等)Speak--可以拿任何英文刊物etc朗读,听听标准的发音等并改正.(注意如何在对话时音调有凹凸,和重音的恰当运用来显得自然)Breathe--最好是在一个以英语为主的环境中:跟伴侣一起运用英语对话,把生活里的爱好用英语去接触(如anime能找英语字幕,英语表达感想等) 背单词是临时抱佛脚的下下策:平常阅读把不会的词汇和好词佳句登记来,查纯英文字典写下意思,有助于提高英文水平.困难的是找到一个能够充分运用英语的环境.没场合用便很难去改进和记牢一个语言.


我在学习上很努力,我喜爱英语数学生活上和同学相处很好,情愿关心别人 .在家有时上网,有时看书 ,在外面,有时打篮球,


有时踢足球.每一天我都很快乐.I worked very hard in learning, I like English and mathematics, life and students get along very well, is willing to help others. Internet access at home sometimes, and sometimes reading out, sometimes playing basketball, sometimes football. I am very happy each day.


词性]vt.vt.v.vt.vi.vt.v. [拼音]xué xí [解释]learning; learn from; learned; learn from ; learnt from ; study ; take lessons on; learned ; study; 1.to learn; to study; to do (engineering, law, etc.); to emulate; to take lessons in ; con; learn; learn about; look up to; study; to learn/to study; do any studying; receive instruction in 假如你还是个学校生的话就是场锭摆瓜肢盖扮睡堡精study Maybe here somebody can be the one you want .just keep on working,you will realize your idea. 4.

Dear JimHow are you? This is Snow from China. Last time you asked me about how I study English. Well, because English is my favorite subject I am highly motivated to study and improve it. My English is good not because of my natural talents, but because of my hard work. I practice reading and speaking by

