高中英语 Unit14 老邻居感谢函书信通

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November 24, 2005 Dear Tom,

It was a great pleasure to hear from you. It’s still hard for me to believe that the boy who used to take care of my dog Rover is already a grown man. Thank you so much for your concern. Fortunately, my heart attack was a mild one. The doctor says I should be able to go home soon. He has also advised me to take better care of myself and eat a better diet. I will certainly heed his warnings. Even a mild heart attack is not an experience I want to repeat.

Again, thanks for your concern. I look forward to seeing you when you are in town. Sincerely, John Sanchez 亲爱的汤姆:


再次谢谢你的关心。当你进城时,我期待与你会面。 约翰山奇斯 敬上 20051124 字词解说:

1. sb used to V某人以前曾经/常常……

:My friend Dave used to live in that apartment. (我朋友戴夫以前住在那公寓。) 2.graon 已长大的,成年的 3. concern关心 注意:


As far as sb is concerned, S+V就某人而论,…… :As far as Lucy is concerned, all men are idiots. (就苏西而论,所有的男人都是白痴。) 4. mild 〔疾病)轻微的

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5. diet (为了治病、调节体重等而限制的)规定饮食 on a diet 进行规定饮食,节食

:The overweight man decided to go on a diet. (那名过重的男子决定节食。) 6. heed 注意

take heed of…注意…… :You should heed my advice. =You should take heed of my advice. (你应该注意我的忠告。) 7. warning 告诫,警告 warn [wa:n} vt.告诫,警告 warn sb of sth警告某人某事

:The experienced hiker warned the young men of the dangers of mountain climbing. (那个有经验的健行者警告这些年轻人爬山的危险。) 8. repeat [ripia} vt.重复

:I repeated my suggestion to the manager several timesbut he wouldn't listen. (我向经理重复我的意见好几次了,但他就是不听。)

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