英语口语 13.中年危机 a mid-life crisis It’s a dialogue between a wife and a friend talking about the woman’s husband and how he is going through something we call a “mid-life crisis” . -I think my husband is going through a mid-life crisis. -What make you think that ? -He just traded in his car for a very expensive sports car, and he’s filling the house with gym equipment. -Uh , oh, that’s a bad sign. Do you know what may have triggered this ? -What really worries me is that he’s been talking about quitting his job alt ogether and becoming a full-time writer. He always wanted to become a successful writer. -That sounds familiar. When my brother went through a mid-life crisis, he spent a lot of time reflecting on his life and regretting giving up music to get a full-time job. He saw himself as being washed up and he was fed up with everything . -what did he do ? -Well, he’s probably not a good example of what your husband would do. -Don’t beat around the bush.(不要拐弯抹角) Just tell me . -Well, if you must know, he got a divorce, married a woman half his age, and tried to start a rock band. -Oh,no! that’s just what I was afraid of. -I’m sure that won’t happen with your husband. You two have a great marriage. -I thought so,too, but you never know . Crisis: is an emergency situation. Mid-life crisis: is some sort of change-some emergency situation that takes place in your mid-life period. However, the term is usually referring to a period in a man’s life when he becomes unhappy because he’s getting older and he realizes he’s getting older. Trade in :means to exchange one thing for another thing. This is especially common in the u.s with your car. Sports car: is usually a smaller car with a very powerful engine that moves very fast . Gym equipment: are machines you can use for exercise such as a treadmill(跑步机) or weights(举重机). Trigger: means to start something , to begin something ,to make something happen. It’s often a small event that starts a much large sequence of events. For example , many wars are triggered by small misunderstandings. Pass ove 跳过,不考虑 To be passed over for something: means not to receive something that you expected, especially at your work. To”reflect on your life ”: is to think about- to think seriously and for a long time about something . To be “washed up”: means to be no longer useful or no longer successful To be “fed up”: means to be tired or frustrated ,unhappy, perhaps even bored with a situation. You never know: is a phrase that means anything is possible, anything can happen. - 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/0650ccaf4a7302768f99394c.html