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Questions for Oral Test

Unit One

Would you like to describe your personality?


I like the freedom, I like the sunshine, and I like quiet. Overall, I am more close to nature; I like the kind of unfettered nature atmosphere. Sometimes I am more casual, more lazy but also sometimes self-centered, I am always thought I could accomplish great things, do every things will be better than others, and finally I got nothing. What’s more, my goal always changes, today I have a dream, but tomorrow I will changed, I dont know what is my really wanted. I do things always uncertainty, always wavering, that I lost a lot of opportunities. From now on I'm going to set my own directions in life, and then step by step, I will do my best to accomplish each goal.

Unit Four

What is your ideal career? What do you think you should do for it? 我认为好工作是自己喜欢的工作,自己感兴趣的,但是事实上很少很少的人会这么幸运,就算这样那也不是最糟的,你可以选择稳定的,收入还马马虎虎的,最好是自己不是很讨厌的,不过,有点讨厌的,还是接受吧。等时间久了,你可能会不知不觉中喜欢上这个工作的,还很享受这个工作给你带来的一些东西。


I think good job is the one you love, the one you interest, but in fact people who get it is so lucky, so it was not even the worst, I can choose a stable income but also so-so, the best is that they should be not very boring, but a bit, I will accept it. After a long time, you may love this work, still enjoying the job have brought for you.

Now I will learn hard for the future work so that I can lay a good foundation, and if I get a job, I'll do my best to do every job.

Unit Five

What are some difficulties you encounter in your language learning? What do you plan to do?



My English speaking is poor, this is my biggest obstacle to learning English, when speak English I will feel nervous; also I do not know how to organize language. Consider that, to learn English as a pleasure, not a burden. listening to some English songs, look at some articles in English, try to write some articles, a diary in English every day, do not lose the opportunity to exercise each time, and if there is a chance to communicated with foreigners, take it.

Unit seven

Which city or country do you want to travel most? State your reasons. 我喜欢自由,我喜欢阳,我喜欢安静。总的来说,我比较亲近自然,我喜欢自然中那种无拘无束的氛围。如果有机会我会去内蒙古草原,去感受一下那里的草原。呼吸着新鲜的空气,感受一下那儿的风土民情。宽阔的草原,一望无际,多么的心宽神怡,“蓝蓝的天空白云飘,白云下面马儿跑”那是多么美丽的景色啊!

I like the freedom, I like the sunshine, and I like quiet. Overall, I am more close to nature; I like the kind of unfettered nature atmosphere. If I have a chance I will go to Inner Mongolia, to feel where the prairie. Breathe the fresh air, feel the people and culture there. Wide prairie, endless, what a beautiful thing, "clouds that sail the blue sky, white clouds following the horse race, " It was such beautiful scenery!

Unit Ten

Have you influenced by some maxims? Take one for example and try to tell how you are influenced by it. 我的座右铭是:“每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。做什么事情,都有一个开始,如果你连开始的勇气都没有,你怎么能够成功呢?


My motto is: “Each successful has a start. The courage to begin, can find a successful way. “Everything has a start, if you dont have the courage to even start, how can you succeed? If you have been standing there all the time, can you do something? Do nothing! Isnt it? when you take the first step, perhaps the next step will be able to bring a miracle, perhaps the next step will bring you bad luck, but you try, you know, you get experience, you will not be afraid . Believe in yourself, courage to take the first step ... ... in fact, success just in front of you, just to see can you dare to be.
