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much,far,still ,a little ,a bit等程度副词可用来修饰比较级,表示加强或减弱程度。下面就着重解析下much,far等程度副词在比较级中的使用

一般修饰形容词的原级,而不能用来修饰形容词的比较级。修饰比较级我们习惯性用到程度副词,如:much,far,等,通常放在比较级前面。 My boyfriends is much/far older than me. (NOT...very older than me.)我的男朋友比我大很多。

Russian is much/far more difficult than Spanish.俄语比法语难很多。

much,a lot,lots,any,no,by far,a little,a bit,rather等副词也可以修饰形容词比较级,如: Very much nicer好很多 a lot happier开心很多 rather more quickly相当的快 a little less expensive一点点贵 a bit easier简单一点

Is your mother any better?你的母亲好点了吗?

She looks no older than her daughter.她看起来一点也不比她女儿老。


He is no richer than Peter.=He is as poor as Peter. 他不比彼得富裕多少.

2by far一般用于强调最高级。但也可用于比较级。通常比较级后面,如放在前面,应在两者中间加the.如: He is taller by far than his brother. He is by far the taller of the two brothers.

3far,by far,a lot,a great deal等副词修饰比较级时,表示前者在某方面远远地超过对方。如:

He works still harder than ever. =He works harder still than ever. 他比以往更加努力学习了。


He can't jump any higher. 他不能跳得更高了. Can he jump any higher? 他能跳得更高一些吗?

If you can jump any higher, I will give you a prize.如果你能跳得更高些,我就奖励你.

5a little; a bit; rather等程度副词,既可以修饰比较级又可以修饰原级。如:

Youve done rather well.你做得相当好。

This computer is rather more expensive than that one.这部电脑比那部昂贵一些。?

The speaker spoke up a bit/a little so as to make himself heard more clearly.演讲者把嗓门提高了一点儿,以便使别人听得更清楚。 The room is a bit larger than that one.这个房间比那个稍大一.
