mvp是什么词汇的缩写及意思 mvp是什么词汇的缩写及意思 mvp可看做多个词组的缩写,有most valuable player、mitral valve prolapse 等。那么现在来了解mvp是什么词汇的缩写及其意思吧,希望能够帮到大家! mvp的全称 most valuable player 最优秀选手;mitral valve prolapse 二尖瓣脱垂;maximum-value package 极值包裹; mvp的网络解释 1. 二尖瓣脱垂:二尖瓣脱垂(MVP)是指二尖瓣叶相对于某些参考结构(一般指二尖瓣环)的移位. 二维超声心动图是临床MVP诊断的首选方法. 然而以往超声诊断MVP的标准是建立在平面二尖瓣环的基础上,这样为数众多的正常人被诊断为MVP. 2. 最大垂直羊水池:给这些患者使用抗生素可延长分娩潜伏期并降低新生儿脓毒症发病危险. Mercer医师等对290例在妊娠24~32周期间发生PROM且为单胎妊娠的患者数据进行了二次分析. 研究者在随机分组前评估了患者四象限羊水指数(AFI)和最大垂直羊水池(MVP),并评估了AFI( 3. mvp:mitral valvular prolapse; 二尖瓣脱垂 4. mvp:most valuable professional; 最有价值专家 5. mvp:multi – variable programming; 多变量编程 6. mvp:most valued performance; 最有价值运动员 mvp的双语例句 1. Now he's the league MVP and his team is heading to the NBA Finals. 而现在,他是联盟的最有价值球员,他的球队也挺进了NBA总决赛。 2. Coming back healthy and leading a team to a respectable record is not a MVP achievement—it is expected if you are at worst the third best player in the game today. 健康归来并带领球队取得较好的战绩这并不是一个 MVP 的功绩,要知道以最坏的打算你也是联盟中目前第三号的人物呀。 3. This is a shadow what a MVP should be irregardless of injury. 不管你是不是有伤在身,做为一个MVP级别的球员这都是不应该的'。 4. Let's, for arguments sake, call the'Presenter'aspect of MVP a Controller, and compare and contrast the roles of each entity in the different paradigms 让我们的论点起见,称之为'MVP的演示'方面的一个控制器,并比较和对比中的每一个不同的范式实体的作用 5. Even the MVPs whose team did not lead the conference standings ranked higher in PER than they did in scoring. 甚至尽管这些MVP的球队没能在分部领跑,但是他们的PER排名比得分榜排名高很多。 6. Because you! I have come to realize: As the definition of life is your past, the definition of MVP is you get; perfect definition is your future; Perhaps the only Hall of Fame for you is... 因为你!我才醒悟:身命的定义就是你的过去,MVP的定义就是你得到现在;完美的定义就是你的将来;名人堂也许只为你而设。。。 7. 32 Patients over 50 years old (range 50~63) received surgical treatment. concomitant cardiac anomalys:tricuspid regurgitation in 18 patients, mitral valve regurgitation in 8, atrial tibrillation in 6, CAD in 2.preoperative ment pulmonary arterypressure Was(40.98±8.52)mmHg. All of the patients underwent Dacron or pericardia patch, 18 TVR and 6 MVR, 2MVP, 2 patients with artrial fibrillation underwent right sided maze pricdure, and 2, CABG. 本文来源: