
时间:2023-02-24 21:08:35 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


[wæp] [wæp]

无线应用协议 Wireless Application Protocol的缩写;


1. The authorities in neighboring Zhejiang province busted a ring specializing in spreading porn content via more than 100 WAP sites and arrested 38 suspects.

2. The move was the ministry's latest effort to echo the

government's endeavor to crack down on pornography on Internet websites and mobile WAP sites.

3. The number of WAP users is even higher in cellphone operators'financial reports.

4. During the campaign, authorities in Shanghai detained seven people for profiting from lewd items through mobile WAP sites. 5. The ministry encouraged students in primary and secondary schools to report Internet links and mobile WAP sites containing " negative information ".

6. Of the 199 senior high school student respondents, 83 percent knew that some WAP sites had pornographic content.

7. The Chinese government unveiled a regulation last year to ban pornographic and vulgar content spread through the Internet or mobile WAP sites.

8. " I don't think China Mobile has the right to regulate free WAP sites in China, " he said.

9. The most difficult part in the crackdown is to discover mobile WAP sites spreading pornography, the official said.

10. Much attention has been focused on Chinese

authorities'crackdown on pornography on the Web and mobile phone accessible WAP sites.


1. But given the time to rush, it is inevitable that there are procedures in the wro

但是由于时间的仓促,难免在程序上还有错误,希望大家能够在论坛上告诉我们哪里有错误,哪里需要改进,以便让我们完善这套 ASP+WAP的同学录程序! 2. To protect the operating efficiency of WAP network, and save cost in manpower resources, need detect and analysis the WAP Gateway, filter and dissect the massive data packet which flow through the WAP Gateway right now.


3. Wind the beam with the end of the floss that has stack with tape of that spare floss wap around the beam. continue winding unfil the knot reaches and is over the slotted plastic part.


4. According to introducing, platform of quick buck WAP is to be an user to be offerred at any time and place login and use fast fund the disbursement of relevant product platform.


5. Yes, WAP has been designed to be as independent as possible from the underlying network technology.


6. Let's start converting code from a WSP project to a WAP one. 让我们从一开始把遭受战祸社会项目代码一个WAP之一。
