id number的中文是什么意思

时间:2023-02-24 21:08:30 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
id number的中文是什么意思

id number的中文意思



Here's my ID number and telephone number. 这是我的身份证号码和电话号码。

Class using the specified menu group guid and command ID number. 使用指定的菜单组guid和命令id号初始化。 Yeah, you got my name, my rank, my ID number. 好的你知道我的名字,军衔和编号了吧。

First, add a button to your dialog, and give it an ID number. 首先,添加一个按钮到您的对话,并给它一个ID号码。

id number的单语例句

1. Wu used her own ID for the booking but put Wang's contact phone number on the application.

2. Each card has a unique ID number, which we can link to personal data like a photograph and employee details.

3. The owner of a graphic design firm in Beijing was wrongfully arrested because he shares an ID card number with a wanted man. 4. Many subscribers have more than one ID and use dummy IDs to increase the number of micro blog followers or to spread rumors. 5. He successfully guessed that the password was the last six digits of the owner's ID number.

6. Beijing is planning to implant dogs with digital chips containing their individual ID number.

7. If the ID number does not exist or does not match the name, the inquirer receives only a negative response.

8. The original password was the last six digits of his student ID number.

9. A user can still get registered with a fake name and someone else's ID number.

10. According to the user guide posted on the website, anyone can " verify " another person's identity simply by entering the relevant name and ID number.

id number的双语例句

1. This includes registering the stock trader club, by name, as a business with the state and applying for a tax ID number.


2. To obtain a Federal Tax ID Number you need to get an IRS Form SS-4, which can be obtained at any local library.


3. The procedure, and process, of obtaining a government ID

number for tax purposes will vary depending on what country you live in. But no matter what country that you live in, it`s important that you request your Tax ID Number as soon as you can to avoid delay to your investment stock trader club schedule.


4. With the tax ID number the Treasurer can open a checking account for the stock trader club, as well as a brokerage account.
