
时间:2023-03-04 03:00:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



Remember when I was grade four, I and my sit at the same table, has been a contradiction.

, the first class that morning, I was serious to write my homework, my deskmate he idle have nothing to do, he wants to be a bad idea, he secretly hide my pencil-box, after a while I write wrong, I'm looking for rubber, I went to a drawer a look, ah! My pencil box zha gone?

Just when I was very anxious, I can see a neighbor beside to laugh, I want to be he stole my pencil case?

I said to him: "you can look in your drawer?" He suddenly tense up, see his expression is known to must be he, I slants big fight with him up.

His face better than red apple is red, eyes full of anger, his hands tightly, anger out wrinkles, seemingly devils, acting like an angry lion,

seemed to wish a swallow me up, I was scared, after the event, I apologized to him, he also apologized to me, we two reconciliation.

It let me know to peaceful coexistence between the classmate, have difficulty want to help each other. 参考翻译:




我对他说:“你能够看看你的抽屉吗?”他顿时紧张了起来,看他的表情就知到一定是他,我偏和他大吵了起来 他的脸涨得比红苹果还红,满眼充满了怒火,双手握的紧

紧的,怒火挤出的皱纹,看似凶神恶煞,活象一头发怒的小狮子,似乎恨不得一口把我给吞了,我害怕极了,事后,我跟他道了歉,他也跟我道了歉,我们两个和好如初了。 这件事让我知道了同学之间要和平共处,有困难时要互相帮助。

