
时间:2023-03-04 03:00:24 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


classfellow; classmate;


1. 我们在小学是同班同学。

We were classmates in primary school.

2. 他的儿子和巴哈拉特拉姆太太的儿子现在是同班同学。

His son and ms. bharat ram's son are now classmates.

3. 李克强的同班同学说,这个问题始于李克强在河南的前任。

Classmates say that the problem began under mr. li's predecessor in henan.

4. 最高法院法官克拉伦斯.托马斯也是我的同班同学,但我一直没有机会与他结识。

Supreme court justice clarence thomas was a classmate too but I never got to know him.

5. 三天后,她在医院里见到一名女儿的同班同学,这个受伤的女孩从学校的废墟中生还。

Three days later, in hospital, she found an injured girl from her daughter's class who escaped from the rubble of the school.

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