【早安英语】 No matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive. 无论你的生活是好是坏,每天醒来都要感激现有的生活。要知道某些地方的某些人还在为生存而苦苦挣扎。 Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. 试着做某人天空里的那抹彩虹 I wonder if it even makes a difference to try. 我在想就算我努力了会不会就不一样。 Live for what tomorrow has to offer and not what yesterday has taken away. 为明天所需而活,而不是为昨日已逝的。 For a long time, she tossed and turned, unable to sleep, wondering if maybe, just maybe, he was awake and thinking of her too. 很长一段时间里,她辗转反侧,无法入睡,总是想着,也许,只是也许,他是不是也醒着在想她。 The world is there really such a miracle that you like him, he also likes you, two, for a lifetime. 世上是否真的有这样的奇迹,你喜欢他,他也喜欢你,两个人,一辈子。 You have to learn the rules of the game, and then you have to play better than anyone else. 你得先学会游戏规则,然后玩的比谁都好 The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before. 随大流的女子只会泯然众人,而特立独行的女子则有可能会到达别人从未去过的地方。 Don't rashly believe in people's promises- that way others won't disappoint me. Don't rashly make promises - that way I won't disappoint others. 诺不轻信,故人不负我;诺不轻许,故我不负人。 Best feeling: when tears turn to laughter because someone who doesn’t want you to be sad, said something funny to cheer you up. 最好的感受:就是破涕为笑的时候,因为有人不希望你悲伤,才会说 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/0b6513d484254b35eefd3475.html