大家都知道在我们中国历史上有三个修建长城的主要时期,秦朝、汉朝、以及明朝。今天我们参观的长城是一段明长城,它是由明朝的开国大将徐达将军于明洪武十四年也就是公元1381年修建的山海关古城。 进入大门 山海关,顾名思义,他北依燕山,南临渤海。徐达将军以其独到的军事家眼光在山海之间建关设卫,成就了山海关的重要军事作用。在中国历史上山海光是一套完整的军事防御体系。素有“两京锁钥无双地,万里长城第一关”之美称。在我们日常生活中,大家有时说“闯关东”,这关字其实就特指山海关。可以说山海光被誉为天下第一关名副其实,它是明长城东部防御体系中最重要的一座城池,也是华北通东北的要冲。 现在就请大家随我一直走不回头,体验一下闯关东的豪情吧! 一关广场 现在我们站的地方是天下第一关广场。我们眼前这座雄伟的城楼是山海关东门的城楼。大家观察一下看看这座城是不是北高南低?因为我们的山海关是依山势而建,北面燕山地势高,从而向海延伸,山海关就像龙As we all know, there have been three dynasties in Chinese history that undertook the construction of the Great Wall. They are the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. Today we are going to visit a section of the Ming Great Wall, which was built in 1381 A.D. (The 14th year of Emperor Hongwu’s dominance ) by General Xu Da. The Entrance to the Pass From the name of Shanhaiguan Pass, we can see that it is located by the Yanshan Mountain to the north, facing the Bohai Sea to the south. General Xu Da was a man of vision, and he built such a Guarding Pass between the mountain and the sea, making it a strategically important military spot. Shanhaiguan Pass was one of the complete military defense systems throughout Chinese history. And that’s why there is such poem going like “The unique defense spot that safeguarding the two capitals, and the first Pass of the Great Wall”. There is a saying as to “taking ventures beyond the Pass”. By “Pass”, we mean the Shanhaiguan Pass. It is quite reasonable that Shanhaiguan Pass is credited as the First Pass of the Great Wall. It was the most important section of the Ming Dynasty’s defense system, as well as the key spot linking North China and North East China. Please follow my steps, and let’s go and experience the feeling of “taking ventures beyond the Pass”. The Square Here we have just arrived at the Square in front of the Pass. The pass before us is the east pass of Shanhaiguan Pass. Have you noticed that the northern part of the pass is higher than the southern part? That’s because the pass itself was built on the mountain, where the northern 一样盘旋在山海间。城上这座楼叫做箭楼,它是依水平线而建,所以两相对比形成一个夹角,造成视觉上的平衡,让大家感觉到这座城楼特别稳固。楼上这块醒目的巨匾长5.9米,宽1.55米。此匾有两大特点,大家猜猜看------首先要说到此匾无落款,究竟是谁写的呢?说法不一,但根据清代编写的《临榆县志》记载为肖显所写。肖显是明成化八年进士,特是明代著名三十二位书法家之一,还是我们山海关当地人。另外一个特点呢是“天下第一关”五个大字,依次后一个比前一个大。大家仔细看看是不是这么回事?一字这一横就长为1.09米,而繁体关字一竖高1.45米。关字最大,从建筑学和视觉上都产生一种平衡效果。在山海关城楼内外共有三块匾。其实大家看到的这块不是肖显所写的原匾,而是民国九年也就是1920年由杨宝清摹刻的。在二楼内有一块是清光绪五年也就是1879年由王治摹刻的。现在给大家一些自由时间与我们雄伟的一关城楼合影留念。然后请大家跟随我等城参观一楼内原匾。 part was set on the higher peak of the mountain, while the southern part went steadily to the lower direction of the sea. The Pass and this section of the Great Wall is just like a dragon, winding between the mountain and the sea. The tower on the top of the pass is called Jian Tower (the tower of Arrow). This tower was built on a horizontal level, thus forming an obvious angle with the declining pass itself. The angle between the tower and the pass may give you a assuring feeling that the whole construction is firm and stable. Look at the plaque with the five characters “TIAN XIA DI YI GUAN”, which means “The First Pass of The World”. There are two things unusual about the plaque. One, there is no signature of the writer. Who wrote it? It still remains a question. According to the History of Linyu County, these characters were written by Xiao Xian. Xiao Xian was one of the 32 most famous calligraphers in Ming Dynasty. He was from Shanhaiguan area, a local. Another unusual point is that all the five characters are successively bigger than the previous one. Let’s take a careful look. Isn’t it so? Look at the third character “YI”, meaning “the first”. It is 1.09 meters wide. And the fifth character “GUAN”, meaning “Pass”, is 1.45 meters high, being the largest character. Such a arrangement has successfully created a sense of balance in terms of Architectonics and visual effect. There are altogether three plaques throughout the whole Pass. In fact, you’ll find that these five characters were not the original calligraphy of Xiao Xian. Instead, they are all carved as a reproduction by Yang Baoqing in 1920 (9th year of the Republic of China). Another plaque found on the second floor was a reproduction carving by Wang Zhi in 1879(the fifth year of Guangxu Emperor, Qing Dynasty). Now you have some time for photography. Afterwards, we’ll go inside the first floor of the Pass and see the plaque. 马道 现在我们登城所走的这条宽阔的坡道叫做马道,是古代将士骑马上阵的通道。最宽阔的马道可供十人并行,五马并骑。 城楼前 大家现在看到的就是山海关古城区,它保持了修旧如旧,风格一致的特点。 山海关城楼里 这幅图是《山海关古建筑复原图》。大家都知道现在地图的地理坐标是上北、下南、左西、右东。而这幅图的最大特点在于它是古山海关地形地貌的真实复原。地理坐标是上东、下西、左北、右南。北边是燕山山脉,南面是滔滔渤海。山海之间八公里是山海关。山海关整个军事防御体系由四门八城组成。东有镇东门,因为对于明王朝它的主要威胁来自于东边,所以出于镇守东边的希望取“镇东门”。西有迎恩门,因为北京在山海关西,皇帝的恩赐封赏都由西而来,所以叫迎恩门理所应当。北有威远门,北边是一个古战场,所以希望此门威慑远方。南叫望洋门,从图上可见,他的确面对汪洋。八城都有哪八城呢?大家随我所指可见,东有东罗城、西有西罗城、南有南翼城、北有北翼城。罗取罗列层叠之意,大家可以看到,罗城确实是罗列的。两个翼城就像大鸟的两对翅膀。现在我们所站的是关城,在东门外有一个最小的城叫瓮城,翁城虽小作用却大,一会儿到城楼外带大家看一看给大家讲一讲。在东罗城的欢喜岭上是威远城。他是吴三桂剔发跪迎多尔衮的地方。最后要说的是在长城东部入海处老龙头的宁海城。山海关以东是东北,以西则是华北。东北华北之间只有山海关可以出入。所以可说”一夫当关万夫莫开”.据史书记载,山海关的存亡确实关系到国家的安 Horse Lane We are walking on the Horse Lane. This is where all the war horses go through with soldiers on their back. The widest section is enough for 10 soldiers to walk, or for 5 horses. Before the Pass What you see now is the Ancient City Area of Shanhaiguan, well preserved, with the same style as the old Wall. Inside the Pass Here we are looking at “The Chart of Shanhaiguan’s Ancient Architectures Restored”. As we all know that we are now taking the North-Up orientation as we look at a map. But what’s special about this chart is that it is restored precisely according to the actual geographic layout and directions of Shanhaiguan, namely the East-Up orientation. We can see that the Yanshan Mountains are to the north, and the Bohai Sea is to the south. There is a belt of 8 km wide, and that’s Shanhaiguan. The military defense system of Shanhaiguan consists of 4 passs and 8 cities. There is the Zhendong Pass on the east. The greatest threat to the Ming Dynasty was from the east, so they named the east pass “Zhendong Pass”, meaning “Guarding the East”, in hopes to safeguard the eastern border. And there is the Ying’en Pass on the west. Because Beijing, the capital was to the west of Shanhaiguan, they named the west pass “Ying’en Pass”, meaning “welcoming the grace of the Emperor”. And there is the “Weiyuan Pass” on the north. There used to be an ancient war field to the north, that’s why it was named “Weiyuan Pass”, meaning “feared by people afar”. And finally there is the “Wangyang Pass” on the south. From the chart we can see that the 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/0ccc98e1856a561252d36ff6.html