精品文档 My Dad Anthony Browne 盐田区庚子首义中山纪念学校 汤雅姝 Teaching aims: a. Help the students to understand the content of the story and learn to describe people with the key sentence patterns like He can ___ like a ______. He is as ____ as a ______. b. With the help of the story, enable the students to review some newly learned language points such as the usage of Can + V (original form) ,animals names and body parts in new and vivid situations. c. The ss will learn some reading strategies as well as use the language by fulfilling some tasks connected with the story. d. Encouraging the students to make descriptions of their dad in the new situation of Father’s Day, thus, having real and meaningful communication. e. Difficult &key points: Key points: thoroughly understanding the whole picture book and complete multiple tasks. Difficult points: using the sentence patterns: He can ___ like a ______. He is as ____ as a ______. Teaching process: Procedure Methods Purpose Before class 1. Ask the students to search the relevant material about Fathers’ Day and upload 课前准备:让学生在网上查找关screen captures in “Quality 于父亲节的相关信息,包括时间,起源,庆祝方式等,观察爸爸的Class” App. 外貌并回想与爸爸之间印象深刻2. Ask the students to observe 的记忆,并上传截屏或文字描述their fathers’ appearance 到“品质课堂”软件上。 and recall the impressive memory between dad and themselves. 1. Greetings Step1: Pre-reading Step2: While-reading 精品文档 2. Enjoying a song: Dad, where are we going? 1. Lead-in and prediction 通过播放熟悉的歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,引出绘本主题。 出示一张爸爸的图片,引导学生精品文档 Introducing a new person to the ss and asking the ss to describe him. (show and discuss the screen captures or description the students upload in the app.) 2. Presenting the cover of the picture book and asking the students to guess the title of it and predict the story. 3. The ss listen to the whole story page by page. After listening, they will answer two questions. (How is the dad? What can he do?) 4. The students read the story again, this time with words shown on each page, and repeat in low voices. Give them a few minutes to read the story in silence. After that , teacher will check their reading comprehension by an “ Yes/No game” (Learn the new words with pictures while doing exercise.) 5. The students read the picture book by themselves. And answer two questions with the two sentence patterns. a. He can ____ like a ____. b. He is as ____ as a_____. 6. Consolidation: The students talk about what they or their parents or friends can do with the new pattern and consolidate the new language points through meaningful output. (My dad can sing like a bird. I can fly like a bee, what about you? He is as soft as my teddy. I am 精品文档 对图片上的爸爸进行描述,鼓励学生发挥想象,集中注意力。此时展示部分学生在“品质课堂”软件上传的截屏与文字,进行讨论。 展示绘本封面,让学生猜绘本名,呈现绘本作者并让学生对绘本内容进行预测。 学生看图听故事,初步感知绘本内容并回答两个预先提出的问题。 再次播放录音并同步呈现绘本图片与文字,让学生跟着录音小声读绘本。通过Yes/No练习进行及时反馈。在练习中带着图片学习新的单词。 学生带着问题自由读绘本,在回答两个问题的过程中熟悉新的关键句型,并从描述文中的爸爸到描述自身或自己的父母以巩固对新句型的理解。 精品文档 Step3:Post-reading Homework as cute as a panda. What about you?) The ss will finish a series of tasks 打开品质课堂软件,通过Lucky by means of games at this stage. Dog 的游戏方式完成多个任务, 培养学生合作与竞争意识,提高 学习英语的兴趣,提升综合素养。 Lucky Dog Game Task 1: My dad can dance like a 完成Lucky Dog 游戏拼出爸爸与peacock. What about you? 孩子的图片,通过Chant 再次巩 固绘本内容。让学生了解父亲节I can dance like a ______. 的时间并利用此契机描述自己的爸爸,开展PK Show. 在描述中进 一步强化巩固所学知识,使学生Task 2: Read and act 1 从绘本走向自己的真实生活。再Task 3: Read and act 2 次展示部分学生在“品质课堂” 软件上传的截图与文字描述,为Task 4: Describe your dad 学生提供灵感。 Task 5: Let’s Chant Task 6: Coolest Dad PK:describing my dad with the sentence patterns. Read and retell the picture book 复述并表演 “My Dad”,并录制语“My Dad”. 音上传到“品质课堂”软件。 Act out“My Dad”and upload the 绘制并表演自己的“My Dad”绘video on “Quality Class”app 本,上传视频到“品质课堂”软Make your own “My Dad” picture 件。 book. (Describe and draw your 完成“一起作业网”软件上关于dad.) 父亲节的趣味配音。 Finish online exercise. 精品文档 本文来源: