减少塑料垃圾相关的英文表达 1. Reduce plastic waste: 减少塑料垃圾 2. Minimize the use of single-use plastics: 最小化使用一次性塑料制品 3. Opt for reusable alternatives: 选择可重复使用的替代品 4. Say no to plastic bags: 拒绝使用塑料袋 5. Use cloth bags instead of plastic bags: 使用布袋代替塑料袋 6. Avoid plastic packaging: 避免使用塑料包装 7. Choose products with minimal or no plastic packaging: 选择尽量少或无塑料包装的产品 8. Bring your own reusable water bottle: 自带可重复使用的水瓶 9. Use a refillable coffee cup: 使用可加注咖啡杯 10. Avoid using plastic straws: 避免使用塑料吸管 11. Use metal or bamboo straws instead of plastic straws: 使用金属或竹制吸管代替塑料吸管 12. Reduce plastic cutlery usage: 减少使用塑料餐具 13. Use biodegradable or compostable alternatives: 使用可生物降解或可堆肥的替代品 14. Recycle plastic waste: 回收塑料垃圾 15. Support initiatives to reduce plastic waste: 支持减少塑料垃圾的倡议 16. Educate others about the importance of reducing plastic waste: 向他人宣传减少塑料垃圾的重要性 17. Encourage businesses to adopt plastic-free practices: 鼓励企业采用无塑料的做法 18. Advocate for stricter regulations on plastic waste management: 倡导对塑料垃圾管理的更严格规定 19. Participate in beach or community clean-up events: 参与海滩或社区的清洁活动 20. Support organizations working to reduce plastic pollution: 支持致力于减少塑料污染的组织 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/0dcbd5b85b0216fc700abb68a98271fe910eaf9c.html