
时间:2022-03-22 01:49:28 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



题号 总分 得分

一、 对号入座,在相应的图片下面标上字母序号。(12)

A. bed B. skirt C. sweater D. banana E. hamburger F. donut

_____ _____ ______ ______ _____ _____

二、完成句子,根据图片在四线格上写出正确的英语单词。(12) 1. I like to eat

2. She's wearing

3. I would like some

4. I like to fly a


5. I have a new

6. This is an 新课标第一网xkb1.com


________ ________ ________ _________ ________ _________ A. I like to play ping-pong . D. I go home in the afternoon. B. The glove is too small. E. I read a book in the evening. C. I like to drink juice. F. I like apples.

四、单项选择,把正确答案的字母序号填入题前的括号里。(20) 1. In the evening, I eat ___________.

A. supper B. lunch C. breakfast 2. I’m wearing a pair of ________________.

A. skirt B. shirt C. shorts

3. Are you ready to order? -___________ A bowl of noodles.

A. Yes, please! B. No, thanks! C. Great!

4. I’m ____________. I want to drink.


A. hungry B. thirsty C. short

5. The bed is below the picture. The picture is ________ the bed.

A. below B. above C. on

6. We go to school on ______

A. Monday B. monday C. Sunday

7. I _______ at seven in the morning.

A. go to bed B. put on C. get up 8. -________ pencils? -Fifteen.

A. How much B. How many C. What 9. -Is this your book? -_________________. A. Yes! It's mine. B. Thank you! C. OK. 10. May I have one donut? -________!

A. Thank you B. Great C. Sure

五、 根据提示完成情景对话, 把正确答案的字母序号填在对话框的横线上。15分) A. Thanks! B. You're welcome! C. Hello, Wang Hong! D. No, it's old. E. Yes, please.



Hello, Li Ling!

I like your blouse.


2. __

Is it new?

3. _____________


4. Would you like a hot dog?


5. __________ Thanks.

六、连词成句、完成对话。将所给单词重新排序,在每段横线上写出一句或两句话, 使它们成为一个完整的对话。(注意每段横线末尾给出的的标点,句首字母要大写。)15分)xk b1.com

示例:hungry, you, are Are you hungry?

1. have, you, do, erasers _________________________________________? 2. on sale, erasers, the, are, yes __________ _____________________________. 3. eraser, one, is, how much _________________________________________? 4. yuan one _________________________________________.

5. Ill, two, take, okay __________ ____________________________. 七、完成故事。根据图画在横线上填写上一个适当的单词,使故事完整。8分)

1. Im a _________ .

2. I have two _________ eyes. 3. I’m wearing a _________ . 4. I feel __________.




二、1. fish 2. pants 3. grapes 4. kite 5. TV 6. apple 三、BCAEFD


六、1. Do you have erasers?

2. Yes! The erasers are on sale. 3. How much is one eraser? 4. One yuan. 5. Okay! Ill take two.

七、1. girl 2. big 3. skirt 4. happy

