最新资料欢迎阅读 尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记-梗概 篇一 《尼尔斯骑鹅旅行记》是瑞典的一个著名女作家塞尔玛·拉格洛夫写得一本长篇小说,是世界上唯一一部获得诺贝尔文学奖的童话作品。 这本书的主人公尼尔斯出生于瑞典南部的一个小农庄,他生性顽皮,不爱读书,喜欢各种恶作剧。有一天,他无意间冒犯了一个小精灵,小精灵一气之下把他变成了一个拇指大的小人儿。正当他惊异于自身变化的时候,家里的雄鹅莫顿感受到大雁的呼唤,想与大雁一齐飞行。为了挽留莫顿,尼尔斯紧紧地搂住了他的脖子。不料,莫顿将他带上了天空。于是,尼尔斯骑在鹅背上,跟随大雁开始了他的旅行。 尼尔斯和雄鹅、大雁阿卡和它的大雁们参加了鹤之舞表演大会,偶遇小灰雁邓芬,帮助鹅姑娘和小马茨在湖面脱险,把乌普萨拉的大学生的手稿找回来;把渡鸦巴塔基从一个屋子里救出来,挫开钢丝救老鹰高尔果,从强盗手里救下了松鼠西尔莱的妻子;杀死了残暴的乌鸦首领黑旋风;从狐狸斯密尔的嘴里救下了一只大雁。 最后,他们飞往了威曼豪格——尼尔斯的家。在他的爸爸妈妈要杀掉雄鹅莫顿和灰雁邓芬的时候不顾一切跑向屋子,捶着大门,解救了邓芬和莫顿,而且自己也变回了原样,而且长得更高了。 读完这本书,我想:如果我也是一个小人,我也会跟着大雁一起到全国各地旅行,学习更多知识,知道古代文化! 1 最新资料欢迎阅读 篇二 The Wonderful Adventures of Nils by Selma Lagerlöf Once there was a boy. He was, let us say, something like fourteen yearsold; long and loose-j ointed and towheaded. He wasn't good for much, thatboy. His chief delight was to eat and sleep; and after that, he liked best tomake mischief. When Nils catches an elf inside a butterfly-snare, the elf takes revenge bycasting a spell that turns Nils into the same size as himself. After that, theboy is carried away by one of his farm’ s tame geese, who decided to j ointhe wild geese's seasonal migration. Soon enough, Nils realizes that, being the size he is now, he can no longerafford to be cruel to animals. His new-found kindness is at first a survivalstrategy, but it quickly becomes a conviction, and Nils is deeply changed.As the geese carry Nils on their annual migration to Lapland, they fly overthe several provinces of Sweden, other than the geese, Nils meets wildducks, a dangerous fox, crows, mice, and even an eagle. He discovers thatnow that he is elf-sized, he can understand the language of animals, andhe can talk to them. Being small, Nils can listen to humans talking without being seen, and heoften overhears people telling stories about 2 最新资料欢迎阅读 the provinces they live in.There’s the tale of the old woman who died alone on a semi-abandonedfarm, there’s the sad story of Osa, the goose girl, and her brother Mats,there’s the story of the old musician from Stockholm and the king. 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/10115d3f996648d7c1c708a1284ac850ac02044d.html