生肖中的龙,还有作为节庆表演节目的舞龙,仍旧保留在全世界的华人生活圈当中,它是华人传统民俗的一部分,而民俗又是十分顽强的文化现象。 “Loong” one of the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac, along with the dragon dance, a kind of festival performances, still remains in the living community of the Chinese people all over the world. It is a part of the traditional Chinese folk customs, furthermore folk custom is a quite strong cultural phenomenon. 从动物学的角度来看,世上根本就不存在龙这种动物。远古的恐龙,跟华人崇敬的龙,舞龙舞狮的龙,外形完全不同。龙是古代华夏民族(后为中华民族)共同的图腾,古人对图腾的崇拜与敬仰,就跟现代人对国旗国徽的感情一样。图腾一词源自印第安语“totem”,意思是“标志”或“它的亲属”。上古氏族社会,人们以和自己生活密切相关的动植物或自然物象作为本部落的标志,从而建立起认同感,加强凝聚力,于是就有了图腾。 From perspective of the zoology, there is no such animal as Loong in the world. The ancient dinosaur is completely different in appearance from Loong that Chinese people revered and Loong in the performances Chinese dragon dance and lion dance. Loong is the common totem of the ancient Hua Xia nation later known as the Chinese nation. The ancients’ worship and admiration of the totem resemble modern people’s feeling toward the national flag and emblem. The word “totem” is originated from “totem” in Indian, which means “symbol” or “its kin”. In the ancient clan society, animals and plants or natural objects which were closely related to people’s life were adopted as a symbol of the tribe, so as to establish a sense of identity and to strengthen consolidation; therefore, the totem came into being. 再往深一层去想,龙的出现其实是一种妥协、让步与融合的产物,它能维系各部落的和谐。如果每个部落都坚持用自己的图腾作为各部落的共同图腾,谁也不服谁,谁也不让步,那怎么能有龙这个共同图腾的出现呢?可见,要和谐就免不了妥协,没有妥协让步就不会有和谐,这不正是体现了中华民族注重与追求“和”的精神吗? For further consideration, the emergence of dragon is a product of compromise, integration and concession. Moreover, it could maintain a harmonious relationship in each tribe. If each tribe had insisted on using their own totem as the common tome of tribes with no submission and compromise, Loong would not have been the general totem. It’s clear that compromise is required to be harmonious and there will be no harmony without compromise and submission. Doesn’t it symbolize the spirit of harmony, which the Chinese people has emphasized long and pursued? 对龙的崇敬还表现在赛龙舟与舞龙等民间习俗中。据闻一多考证,赛龙舟是古代吴越(江苏、浙江一带)民间祭龙的活动,早在屈原之前就有了。舞龙则是起源于汉代,经历代而不衰。舞龙最初也是作为祭祀祖先、祈求风调雨顺的一种仪式,后来逐渐成为一种体育与文娱活动。从唐代一直到现代,舞龙已是中国人逢年过节常见的体育与文娱表演。中国人出洋,又把这一习俗带到世界各地,就跟赛龙舟一样,世界各地舞龙队伍,也有非华人参加了,民俗不分种族与国籍,这不也是一种文化交流吗? The worship of Loong is also reflected in some folk customs such as dragon boat regatta and dragon dance. According to the research by Wen Yiduo, Chinese dragon boat regatta, folk activities, is held to worship Loong in ancient goetland(situated in Jiangsu and Zhejiang province nowadays) which appeared long before the time of QuYuan. And dragon dance which originated from Han dynasty has survived for generations. At first, dragon dance also acted as a ritual of offering sacrifice to ancestors and praying for favorable climate weather, while later, it has gradually become a sport and recreational activity. From Tang Dynasty to modern times, Dragon dance has been the most common sport and recreational performance on New Year's Day and other festivals in China . The custom is spread to the rest of the world with Chinese people going abroad. Just like dragon boat regatta, non-Chinese people also participate in the dragon dance around the world. Folk customs are accepted regardless of the races or nationalities. Is it a kind of cultural exchange? 今天,全世界的华人还需要“龙”作为共同的图腾吗?这是一个不容易回答的问题。不过我们至少能看到,生肖中的龙,还有作为节庆表演节目的舞龙,仍旧保留在全世界的华人生活圈当中,它是华人传统民俗的一部分。 Do Chinese people around the world still need "Loong" as a common totem today? It is a difficult question to answer. However, at least we can see that the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac, as well as festival performances of the Dragon still remains in the living community dance, of world-wide Chinese people, which is a part of the traditional Chinese folklore. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1013705d6137ee06eff918b2.html