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Pan-Pacific Festival Logo泛太平洋节徽标

The Pan-Pacific Festival logo has gone through several changes over the last 30 years.泛太平洋节徽标经历了一些变化,在过去30年。 The most recent transformation was in 2008.最近一次改造于2008年。 The current logo was designed to

incorporate the Festival's current multicultural scope.目前标志的设计,以纳入节目前的多元文化的范围。

The two swirls are a representation of the ocean an important source of food and where all life begins.这两个漩涡是代表性的海洋 - 对食物的重要来源及所有生命的起源。 It is a connection that all countries of the Pacific Rim share.这是一个连接环太平洋地区所有国家的份额。 The Festival participants come from very unique countries, but yet they all touch the very same waters of the Pacific Ocean.艺术节的参与者来自非常独特的国家,但是他们都没有触摸太平洋非常同一水域。 The

splashes at the top of the logo further illustrate energy, activity and motion.标识上进一步阐明能源的水花,活动和运动。 It resembles the waves of the ocean which can bring plants and birds from miles away to grow and prosper in far away lands.它类似于海洋能带来植物和鸟类英里远的成长壮大,在遥远土地上的波浪。 Similarly, the Pan-Pacific Festival brings a diversity of cultures and people

together to celebrate their heritage collectively her in Hawaii.同样,泛太平洋节带来了文化和人民的多样性,共同庆祝他们的传统在夏威夷集体她。

The interconnection of the swirls symbolizes the sharing of cultures.该漩涡联网共享文化的象征。 This image embodies the goal of the festival, which is to foster goodwill and understanding; to cultivate friendship between people; and to nurture appreciation of diversity.这体现了图像的节日,这是促进友好和谅解的目标,以培养人民之间的友谊,并培养欣赏多样性。

Flowers are an international symbol of friendship, often given in expression of love and appreciation.花卉是一个国际友好的象征,往往在爱情和赞赏表达可行性。 The Hibiscus represents the host state of Hawaii and the Cherry Blossom represents Japan, the country from which the facilitating organization originated.芙蓉代表夏威夷和樱花东道国代表日本,从中协助组织起源的国家。

The circular shape of the logo symbolizes Earth and Humanity.徽标的圆形象征着地球和人类。 The Pan-Pacific Festival is an international festival bringing various traditions and people together and creating a more global community through the sharing and celebration of cultures.泛太平洋节是国际电影节将各种传统和人民一道,创造一个通过分享和庆祝活动更具全球性的社区文化。

据了解,本届中国(天津滨海国际生态城市论坛LOGO标识由世界知名视觉设计公司担纲设计,创意原点聚焦蝴蝶,以代表和谐大自然中生态美的蝴蝶彰显标识的生态和谐概念,标识从整体上看,就像翩翩舞动翅膀的蝴蝶。这是一个全球化的论坛,国际性也需要显现。相关负责人表示,蝴蝶翅膀由纵横交织的网络构成,代表着经度和纬度,经纬即代表全球各种形态的和谐交织。这与论坛创新和谐的理念不谋而合。滨海新区由塘沽、汉沽、大港组成,这三个词都含有,而海洋经济带动了新区的发展,因此蝴蝶翅膀按照的形状排布,突出滨海特点的同时也营造出一种振翅欲飞的观感。滨海新区作为中国经济的新的增长极,标识完美地构成了一个字,突出中国文字的独特魅力。标识采用蓝、绿、三种颜色构成,不仅营造出一种亮丽的视觉过渡效果,也象征着创新、和谐、开放 蝴蝶翅膀的右边是林立的滨海建筑群图案,突出了滨海新区的城市属性和城市的现代特征,作为辅助形,色彩以灰黑色相映而成,稳重且不失层次感
