请在6月1日前完成并提交以下3篇作文,每篇不少于80个单词。此次主观题作业与期末考试相关,请同学们认真完成。特别提醒:3篇作文都要完成, 全部写完后再一次提交,这是一次作业,所以只能提交一次。作文请独立完成,不要抄袭,否则严重影响成绩。作业截止日期:6月1日,过期不计入成绩。 作文题: 1. My Dream 我的梦想 2. My Happiness in Life 我生命中的快乐 3. We Love a Green World 我们热爱绿色世界 写作提示: 1.认真审题,写作内容要与题目相关,不要跑题,偏题 2.此类作文题一般可分三段来写,第一段简述你的观点,第二段具体阐述,第三段进行总结 3.注意语言的正确性与连贯性,力求语法正确,句子通顺,句意明确 1、我的梦想 每个人都会有不同的梦想,有些人梦想赚很多的钱。有些人梦想过上幸福的生活。有些人梦想能够出名。有些人梦想能够出国等等,我的梦想是去很多地方旅游。 我喜欢旅游,包括大城市、小城镇、著名的大山和景区,我希望能够参观更多地方。我可以认识各种各样的人,我认为和不同的人沟通很有趣,可以开阔我的视野。我希望他们可以和我分享他们的生活故事,这样我就可以了解一个地方的普通生活。 我希望我能够拥有一份好工作,尽管我不能赚很多钱,但是它不会占用我太多时间,每年有假期去旅游。旅游是我的爱好,它可以减轻我的压力,对我的生活有好处。因此,我希望旅游可以成为我将来生活的一部分。 1. My Dream Everyone has different dreams, some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of becoming famous. Some people dream of going abroad and so on. My dream is to travel to many places. I like to travel, including big cities, small towns, famous mountains and scenic spots. I can know all kinds of people. I think it is very interesting to communicate with different people. I hope they can share their life stories with me so that I can understand the common life in a place. I hope I can have a good job, although I can't make a lot of money, but it won't take up too much of my time. Travel is my hobby, it can relieve my pressure, good for my life. Therefore, I hope to be a part of my future life. 2、我生命中的快乐 我从小就喜欢读书,以前还开过几年的书店,喜欢闻书中的书香味,我感到读书是我生命中最大的快乐。 读书,似乎是我永远的事,我也总是好好珍惜,在我薄如蝉翼的空余时光,努力去一点一点认识那些在书里的主人公,去感悟他们的心情,了解当时的背景,感受悲伤离合,还是喜欢新书,捧在手里发出那种很浓的油墨香味,纸张没有折过角,翻页的时候可以听见页角划破空间的声音。 在书里,收获小心翼翼的感动;在书里,看风景渐渐熟透;在书里,观疲惫渐渐落空;在书里,保留自己的童心;我想,我这一生,都放不下读书了,我这一生,读书将会是我最大的快乐。 2. My Happiness in Life I have been fond of reading since I was a child. I have been a bookstore for a few years before, and I like to smell books. I feel that reading is the greatest pleasure in my life. Reading, it seems to me forever, I will always treasure in my thin spare time to a little understanding of those in the book of the hero, to understand their feelings, understand the background, feel sad or clutch, love the book in my hands, a kind of ink smell thick paper, off angle, flip when you can hear the sound of dog pierced through space. In the book, the harvest carefully moved; in the book, look at the scenery gradually ripe; in the book, the concept of fatigue gradually lost; in the book, to keep their innocence; I think this whole life I can't put my life, reading, reading is my greatest joy. 3、我们热爱绿色世界 我自幼喜欢绿色,因为绿色代表着生命,充满了希望!它的存在把大自然装扮的美丽动人,五彩斑斓! 我每每看到和想到绿色时,就产生一种催人奋进的无穷力量,使我顿时感到热血沸腾!绿色是整个大自然中最引人注目的希望之色,您看她紧紧地拥抱着大自然,在无私地释放着自己的能量,在潜移默化中装扮着山川、田野、公园、院落…… 春天里,小草带着希望象一块块柔柔的绿毯,挂满了山川,铺满了辽阔的原野,在阳光的照射下,发出迷人耀眼的生命之光!田间里,玉米、高粱、大豆、葵花、油菜、谷子、马铃薯等农作物都争先恐后地钻出地面,把辽阔的田野遮盖的绿色一片!菜园里,韭菜、菠菜、羊角葱、黄瓜、西葫芦、西红柿、辣椒、西芹等蔬菜都在绿色海洋中遨游着。 现代人把无公害的食品称之为“绿色食品”,这简单的四个字中寄托着全人类渴望消除环境污染、追求生命健康的强烈愿望!我多么希望全世界的人们都能够树立起真正的环保意识,共同携起手来,大打一场消除污染的全球性人民战争,使我们共有的天更蓝,水更清,草更绿,心更纯,山更秀,人更美!让我们赖以生存的地球变成我们的“绿色家园”。 3. We Love a Green World I like the green, because green represents life, full of hope! It is to dress up the beautiful nature, colorful! When I see and think of the green, I have a kind of endless power, which makes me feel the blood boiling! Green is the most attractive nature of the color of hope, she hugged you in nature, selflessly release their energy, imperceptibly dressed with hills and fields and parks, courtyard...... Spring, the grass with hope like a piece of soft green carpet, covered with mountains and rivers, covered with vast wilderness, in the light of the sun, issued a fascinating and dazzling light of life! In the field, corn, sorghum, soybean, sunflower, rape, millet, potatoes and other crops are rushing to the ground, the vast field of green cover! The garden, leek, onion, cucumber, spinach, croissants zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, celery and other vegetables in a green ocean. Modern people call pollution-free food "green food". In these four simple words, the whole mankind is eager to eliminate environmental pollution and pursue the strong desire of life and health! I wish people all over the world to establish the true environmental awareness, join hands to play a global people's war to eliminate pollution, so we have the sky bluer, the water clearer, the grass is more green, the heart is more pure, more beautiful mountains, more beautiful! Let the earth we live on become our "green home"". 4、过绿色生活 过绿色生活正逐渐成为我们的生活习惯,绿色食品、绿色出行等,这些关于绿色环保的事物已在我们生活中活跃。 现在地球环境正逐渐恶化。人们为了造纸,砍伐树木,使土地沙漠化加快;工厂排放工业废料,甚至将工业废料排放至水中,使水质恶化;工厂及汽车排放的废气,使大气受到污染等等,这些都威胁着地球的健康与未来。 我们应从小事做起,实施绿色环保这一号召。在生活中节约用水,去超市购物用布袋,不要用塑料袋,可以减少污染环境,出行乘坐公交车或者自行车,尽量少用私家车出行,减少二氧化碳排放。 过绿色生活,保护环境,从我做起,希望绿色的理念能更广泛地普及大众,让我们的环境更好,生活更美好。 4、Live a Green Life Green living is becoming our life habit. Green food, green travel and so on. These things about green have been active in our life. Now the earth's environment is getting worse. People cut down trees to make paper, accelerate the land desertification; industrial waste emissions from factories, and even industrial waste emissions to the water, the water quality deterioration; exhaust emissions from motor vehicles and factories, the air pollution and so on, these are threatening the health and future of the earth. We should start with small things and carry out the call of green environmental protection. To save water in life, to go shopping in supermarkets, use cloth bags, don't use plastic bags, can reduce the pollution of the environment, travel by bus or bike, as much as possible to use less private cars to travel, reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Live a Green Life, protect the environment, start from me, I hope the idea of green can be more widely spread the public, so that our environment better, better life. 5、在线学习 自从参加了成人高考,读了华南理工大学的成人大专,我的生活悄悄地发生了变化。以前的上网总是漫无目的地看新闻,再不就是玩电脑游戏里。如今每天下班回到家,第一件事就是打开电脑,从网上查查有没有要做的作业,近期有没有什么新的学习任务。 进入远程教育的网站,登录,来到论坛,看看新帖子,感受同是选择远程教育的同学们的感受,体会别人在学习过程中的快乐和烦恼,和大家一起交流自己的心得体会,尽自己的最大能力为别人排忧解难。选择网络学习,就选择了快乐之旅。因为在这个过程中你注定不会感到孤单,大家携手共进,这是多么快乐的一件事啊。 在网络教育里,我学习,我快乐!感谢网络给了我实现梦想的平台,感谢网络给了我体验快乐的机会,感谢网络给了我生活的真谛。如今,每每我坐在电脑前,做着题目,看着各种资料,听着老师的讲课,述说着自己的甜与苦,幸福总是难以言表。因为我是快乐的。在线学习,我选择,我喜欢! 5、Online Learning My life has changed quietly since I attended the adult college entrance examination and read 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/10ebbf277ed5360cba1aa8114431b90d6c8589f1.html