
时间:2023-03-22 04:02:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Asking about the Size 买衣服询问尺寸英语句型: What size do you take?

Could I know your size? We deal in large fitting as well. You want the large size or the small size? May I ask what the size is?

Asking about the Size 买衣服询问尺寸英语对话: A: Could I have a look at these shoes, please?

B: Certainly. Our shoes come in all sizes. What size do you want? A: Size 37, I think. B: Here you are.

A: Thank you. Can I try it on? B: Yes, please.

(Tom wants to buy a sweater, but he doesnt know what size to buy. He asks a salesgirl about it.) Salesgirl: What can I do for you?

Tom: I am looding for scene sweaters, but I don t know what size I need to buy.

Salesgirl: Can I take your measurement?

Tom: Yes, plebe.

Salesgirl: I think a medium would fit you. Tom: What colors do they come in besides grey. Salesgirl: They come in brown, blue and black. Tom: I d like black and a medium one.

Salesgirl: Try this one, please. How do you feel? Tom: Its small all over. It doesnt fit me. Salesgirl: Perhaps you ought to try this large size. Tom: This size fits me perfectly, Ill rake it.
