外教一对一 http://www.yangjiajiao.com 中国春节习俗英语怎么说 春节是中国人最重要的节日之一,是阖家团圆、欢庆农历新年的传统盛大节日。与春节相关的风俗习惯用英语如何表达,我们不妨来了解一下。 习俗英语: custom tradition convention 中国习俗英语: Cinese custom Snicism 春节习俗英语: Customs of the Spring Festival 恭贺春节快乐常用语: 恭贺新禧 | Happy New Year 吉祥如意 | Everything Goes Well 恭喜发财 | Wishing You Prosperity 年年有余 | Surplus Year after Year 岁岁平安 | Peace All Year Round 新春大吉 | Good Luck in the New Year 贴春联 Pasting Spring Couplets 贴窗花和“福”字 Pasting Paper-cuts and "Up-sided Fu” 文章来源:www.yangjiajiao.com 外教一对一 贴年画 http://www.yangjiajiao.com Pasting New Year Prints 年夜饭 New Year Feast 吃饺子 Having Jiaozi 看春节联欢晚会 Watching the CCTV New Year’s Gala 放鞭炮 Setting off Firecrackers 拜年和压岁钱 New Year’s Visit and Gift Money 中国春节习俗相关英语句型表达: 1、Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China and some Asian nations. 春节是中国及一些亚洲民族一个统节日。 2、Spring Festival is an ancient festival in China. It is also one of the most important festivals in the whole year. 春节是中国一个古老的节日,也是全年最重要的一个节日。 3、On the eve of the Chinese new year, people put on beautiful clothes.除夕那天,人们穿上了艳丽服装。 4、Giving children gift money, during the spring festival is a special Cinese custom , which , represents luck and wealth. 春节期间给孩子压岁钱是一项特别的中国习俗,代表着幸运和富足。 5、Chinese New Year Celebration usually lasts for 15 days. 春节庆祝活动通常持续15天。 文章来源:www.yangjiajiao.com 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/1231561289eb172ded63b7f4.html