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induce作动词的意思: 引起;归纳;引诱 induce英语音标:

[inˈdju:s] [ɪnˈdus, -ˈdjus] induce的时态: 现在分词: inducing 过去式: induced 过去分词: induced induce英语例句:

1. He might decide that it is best to induce labour. 他也许决定最好引产。

2. Taking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being. 快步行走常常会使人感到身心舒畅。

3. Nothing would induce me to take the job. 没有什么能诱使我接受这份工作。

4. Certain chemicals can induce undesirable changes in the nervous system.

有些化学物质能在神经系统中引起不良变化. 5. The medicine will induce sleep. 这种药使人入睡.

6. She was using all her powers of persuasion to induce the Griffins to remain in Rollway.


7. Lack of proper care and love in early childhood can induce criminal behavior in young people.

童年时代缺少适当的关怀和疼爱会导致青春期的犯罪行为. 8. I would do anything to induce them to stay. 我会想尽一切办法劝他们留下来。

9. Doctors said surgery could induce a heart attack. 医生们说手术有可能引起心脏病发作。

10. Music can induce a meditative state in the listener. 音乐能够引导倾听者沉思。

11. The price is not attractive enough to induce business. 价格不足以引起兴趣,达成交易.

12. The lover used every effort to induce her to compose herself.


13. Clouds are sometimes seeded with silver iodide to induce precipitation.


14. A hardening agent mixed with the monomer will induce polymerization.


15. Vaccines also induce cellmediated immunity. 疫苗也引起细胞介导免疫.
