人员落水、搜救应急措施Emergency Measures to Rescue Overboard Person 1 总则General Principles 搜寻营救人落水工作,应在船长指挥下进行。考虑到风浪,海水温度对落水人员生命的威胁,搜寻营救工作应遵循快捷的原则。 Master is in charge of searching and rescuing people in water. Due to low temperature of seawater, swiftness is of utmost importance. 应急部署Emergency Deployment 所有船员均应严格按《货船应变部署表》要求执行操作。 All crews should operate in according with 船长为总指挥,负责操纵船船舶和指挥营救行动。 As general commander, the master is responsible for maneuvering vessel and commanding rescue action. 大副为救生艇指挥,其他人员为:轮机员、水手长、船医(客轮)和两名水手。The chief Officer is do as commander of life boat, other members are: chief engineer, bosun, ship surgeon and two seamen. 应放下风舷救生艇。大副在救生艇上应用小高频随时与船长保持联络。 The leeside life boat should be dropped, the chief officer should keep the liaison with the master by portable VHF. 轮机长负责机舱操车 The chief engineer is responsible for main engine controlling in engine room. 应急措施Emergency Measures 3.1 发现人落水Person Overboard 大声呼叫“左舷(右舷)有人落水”,同时抛下救生圈,附有自亮灯浮应随同一道抛下。抛救生圈时,应注意抛在落水者的前面或附近水面,不可对准落水者抛去以免击伤落水者。 Shout “Overboard on the port/starboard side”. Drop life buoys with self–light lamp. Drop life buoys in water at the front or nearby overboard person in order to prevent injury. 应立即停车,向人落水的一舷操满舵,摆开船尾防止车叶触及落水者。 Stop vessel at once and steer fully to the overboard side in order to prevent propeller injury overboard person. 应即用GPS定位,记下人落水时的船位。Make down the overboard position by GPS. 鸣放人落水警报三长声(- - -),按抢救布置,进行放艇救助。 Alarm overboard alerts three prolonged, carry out rescue according as emergency deployment. 派人在高处用望远镜守望落水者位置。 Keep the look out of overboard location by binoculars. 确定落水者已过船尾,立即倒车停船或掉头驶向落水者附近施救。 After making sure that people in water is away from the stern, stop vessel by astern or turn vessels around to rescue the person. 2 3 应做好急救准备,需要时对被救者施救。Make preparation for first aid in case. 3.2 调头方法Swing Method 在雾天或夜间视线不良时,大船的调头法Swing Method In Fog/Poor Visibility 雾天或夜间,大船一般采取反转调头法,即威廉森旋回法,发现人落水,应即向落水者一舷操满舵,越过落水者后加车,待船艏向离开原航向60°时回舵,并向相反舷操满舵至艏向进入原航向的相反方向时,维持直进,这样可以较容易地返回落水者的位置上。 During fog/night time, used to Williamson Swings, once person overboard, full steering to the overboard side immediately, speed up after overtaking the person, while leaving original course 60 degrees, turn the helm to the opposite direction and reverse full steering till heading line directs the right-about of original course, keep the steering direction. This method is more easy to comeback the overboard location. 在白天视线良好时,大船可采取以下调头法Swing Method In Fair Day • 两次调头法(连转两个180°),发现有人落水,应即向落水者一舷操满舵,待艏向转至与原航向相反的方向时,维持直进。当落水者至正横后约30°时,再用满舵向落水者调头,适当减速停车。 Double swings: once person overboard, full steering to the overboard side immediately, keep steering while swing to the opposite direction of original course. Turn round approaching to the overboard person with properly slow down or stop engine while the person passing 30 degrees abaft the beam. • 一次调头法。发现有人落水,再直航30——60秒,然后向落水者一舷操满舵,开快车调头。当船艏向落水者时,再减速接近落水者。此法接近落水者最快。 Single swing: once person overboard, keep steering 30 to 60 seconds, then full steering to the overboard side with speed up. Slow down and approach the overboard person while the heading line directs the overboard person. 3.3 海上搜寻落水者的方法Available Method of Search Overboard Person 救生艇驶向落水者,应根据大船距落水者的距离和救生艇的速度,估计到达落水者应用的时间。 Estimate the time to reach people in water by the distance and the speed of boats. 救生艇搜寻落水者,应考虑到当时的风流,使落水者漂(飘)离原位。 Wind should be considered in displacement of people in water. 视线不良时,大船可间断性鸣笛,使救生艇辩别出大船的位置。 In case of poor visibility, vessels should sound air horns periodically to make lifeboats to judge vessel’s location. 大船应根据GPS船位随时指挥救生艇驶向落水者的航向。 Vessels should direct lifeboat’s course according to GPS position. 救生艇人员在呼叫落水者后,应静听海面声响,发现有无呼救声或拍打水面的声响。 After shouting victims, lifeboat crew should listen in silence whether there is any sound, shouts or hitting water. 救生艇人员应认真辨别海面各种情况,包括发现有自亮灯浮闪光,或海面有无异常颜色出现。 Lifeboat crew should perceive difference cases on water, including self-operated lighting or abnormal color on water. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/15da92563b68011ca300a6c30c2259010302f301.html