英语双语阅读 川普外孙女背唐诗视频走红

时间:2022-08-26 10:19:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
英语双语阅读 川普外孙女背唐诗视频走红

导语:据《每日邮报》报道,中国社交网站最近疯传一段美国中选总统唐纳德·川普4岁外孙女背诵唐诗的视频,在网民中引起广泛讨论。下面是为大家精心收集的资料,希望能帮助到大家! A video of Donald Trump’s granddaughter reciting ancient Chinese poetry went viral once again on China’s social media following Trump’s presidential victory. 在川普中选成为美国总统之后,一份他外孙女背诵中国古诗的视频再次在中国社交媒体上走红。

Four-year-old Arabella Kushner, daughter of Ivanka Trump, had recited the Tang Dynasty (618-907) poems in Chinese ahead of the Lunar New Year in February.


In the video, Arabella appears wearing a traditional qipao and stands on a table to recite works by famed poets such as Li Bai.


Arabella has been studying putonghua since she was 18 months old, the Daily Mail reported.

据《每日邮报》报道,阿拉贝拉从1岁半就开始学习普通话。 The clip was made to mark the Year of the Monkey, which ends January 27, xx.


The video was trending on Sina Weibo soon after Trump was announced as president-elect, with many users praising Arabella as "surprisingly cute and impressive."

在川普被宣布中选为美国下一任总统之后,这份视频就在上火了起来,许多微博用户都称赞阿拉贝拉“非常可爱、了不起”。 "I really hope the little angel falls in love with Chinese culture, quite exciting," wrote "orange."


"At least the video shows that the Trump places importance on education and did not shut the door for foreign culture," posted "stAu79."

“stAu79”那么写道:“至少这份视频说明川普很重视教育,并且没有回绝外国文化。” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
