合作院校抬头信纸打印的学生在校及放假证明 证 明 兹证明 (同学)为 (大学 / 学院) _____级全日制在校学生, 该生入学时间为 _________年____月____日,预计毕业 时间为 ______年 ____月______日。该同学现为 __________专业 _____年级学生, 本学期已注册。 _______________________________________学院 _______年度暑假 /寒假放假 时间为: _________年 ______月 ______日起至 _________年______月______日止。 特此证明。 (大学 / 学院) 学校院系盖章 学院老师签字: _________________ 联系方式: __________ ___________年______月______日 --------------------------------------------------------------------- University Status Verification It is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ______________is registered as a full-time student at _____________________________________Institute/Department of ______________________________________University, for the current academic year in the field of . He / She entered the above university on ______MM______DD __________YYYYand has an expected graduation date on ______MM______DD __________YYYY. Now he / she is in his/her ______ (1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th) year of degree granting study. _________________________________________________Institute/Department ______________________(year ) Summer / Winter Vacation is: From: ______MM ______DD __________YYYY To: ______MM ______DD __________YYYY Institute/ Signature of School Official: Department Seal Phone Number: Or Stamp here Date: _______MM /_______DD/ ___________YYYY ’s 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/166e0cf975eeaeaad1f34693daef5ef7ba0d12ef.html