自我介绍_写人的英语作文200字带翻译 我叫吴x,今年11岁,我生日是xxxx年6月13日,我体重大约45公斤,住在xxxxxxxxxxx816室,在xxxx二小学四三班上学。 My name is Wu X. I'm 11 years old this year. My birthday is June 13, XXXX. I weigh about 45 kg. I live in room xxxxxxx16 and go to class 4 and 3 of XXXX second primary school. 我英语特别好,连续3次英语知识竞赛都是一等奖,作业不用家长操心,除了不会的题目要家长教我一下,我数学还行,语文就有点差了。 My English is very good. I won the first prize in three English knowledge contests in a row. I don't need parents to worry about my homework. I need parents to teach me the problems I don't know. I am good at mathematics, and my Chinese is a little poor. 我喜欢游泳,一次能游80米了。我也喜欢玩游戏,一般来说,我喜欢会说话的汤姆猫,巴士驾驶员等等,玩的可好了! I like swimming. I can swim 80 meters at a time. I also like playing games. Generally speaking, I like talking tom cat, bus driver and so on. Good play! 我在学蛙泳,游泳好友有这些:顾文涛、李晗等等,他们是我的游泳好友。 I am learning breaststroke. My swimming friends include Gu Wentao, Li Han, etc. they are my swimming friends. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/16f163a8f8b069dc5022aaea998fcc22bcd143a0.html