
时间:2022-12-26 20:58:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. At the age of six, the author wants to be

( )

A pilot B writer C painter.

2. The author's accident (failure)happens in( )

A Sahara desert B gobi desert C Colorado desert.

3.The little prince said that the good picture was ( )

A long horned sheep B box of sheep C super sheep.

4. According to the author, who discovered the planet?(a)

A Turkish astronomer B Hungarian astronomer C Egyptian astronomer.

5. Adults like () A .to explain B figures C speech.

6. One day the little prince looked at the sunset.

A three times B twenty-three times C forty-three times.

7. The little prince likes ()

A A flower B A sheep C A star.

8.Why did nobody care about the Turkish astronomer s discovery at first? A :Because his discovery was not true.

B :Because he was in Turkish costume.

C :Because he was dressed with impressive style and elegance.

9.Why did the little prince want the sheep to eat the baobabs? A :Because baobabs are dangerous on the little prince s planet.

B :Because elephants didn t eat baobabs.C :We don't know.

10. According to "my" words, what did the sheep eat?

A :Little bushes. B :Bananas. C :Carrots.

11.Why did the little prince want the sheep to eat the baobabs?

A :Because baobabs are dangerous on the little prince s planet.

B :Because elephants didn t eat baobabs. C :We don't know.

12.What was the little prince entertainments


on his planet?

A :Looking at sunrise.

B :Looking at sunset.

C :Burning the baobabs. 13.Why was the little prince angry at "me"?

A :Because "I" was busy with repairing the


B :Because "I" killed the sheep.

C :Because "I" destroyed his toy. 14.Why did it take so long for the flower to


A :Because the environment was bad.

B :Because the flower was eaten before. C :Because the flower wanted to appear in

the full radiance of her beauty.

15.What was the flower like?

A :She was ugly.

B :She was beautiful.

C :She looked like grass.

16.What was the flower afraid of? A :The little prince. B :The tigers. C :The

drafts.(冷空气 )

17.Who lived on the first planet that the

little prince visited?

A :A king.B :A conceited (自 负的

man.C :A tippler.酒鬼

18.Why did the little prince yawn (打哈欠) at the presence of the king?

A :Because he didn't respect the king.

B :Because he was very tired.

C :Because he thought it was an etiquette to


19.What did the king offer to ask the little

prince to stay?

A :Making him the Minister of Justice and also the Ambassador.

B :Making him the prince of his kingdom.

C :Making him the next King.

20. 1.What did the little prince think of the lamplighter?

A :He thought that the lamplighter was


B :He thought that the lamplighter was


C :He thought that the lamplighter was lucky

21.Why did the little prince feel sorry to leave


the lamplighter's planet?

A :Because he wanted to make friends with the lamplighter.

B :Because the planet was blessed every day with 1440 sunsets.

C :Because he could not help the lamplighter. 22.Where did the little prince arrive in the Earth?

A :In North Pole. B :In a mountain. C :In a desert.

31.Why did the little prince fall?

A :Because he was bitten by a poisonous snake.

B :Because he was seriously ill.

C :Because he was too tired

32.Where did the little prince come from?

A :He came from France.

B :He came from America.

C :He came from the asteroid B-612.

33.Which of the following things might bring 23.What did the little prince think of the snake?

A : The snake was dangerous. B :The snake was funny.

C :The snake was beautiful.

24.Which day did the fox like best in a week? A : Monday. B :Friday. C :Thursday.

25.According to the fox, how can one see things rightly?

A : With eyes. B :With the heart. C :With eye glasses.

26.According to the fox, whom was the little prince responsible for??A :The little prince's fox.

B :The little prince's rose. C :The little prince's planet.

27.Who did the little prince meet after he left the fox? A :His rose.

B :A switchman.(铁路转辙员) C :A merchant.

28.According to the little prince, what made the desert beautiful? A :The moonlight.

B :A flower that could not be seen.

C :A well that was hidden in the desert.

29.When did the little prince and "I" found the well? A :At night.

B :At daybreak. C :At noon.

30.What did "I" want the little prince to do? A :"I" wanted him to help me fix the engine. B :"I" wanted him to go back to his planet. C :"I" wanted to hear his laughter again.


catastrophe to a small planet?

A :Sheep. B :Flowers. C :Baobabs.


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