42-44名词 形容词 不定代词

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42-44名词 形容词 不定代词

1. Its rainy outside. Please take your ________ with you. A. raincoat B. sweater C. backpack 2. Tina got the first prize in the dancing ________. A. party B. competition C.

3. When Tom grows up, he wants to be a(n) ______ student. A. university B. exchange C. athletic

4. She studies very hard, so in the future she will get great _________. Aachievement B. snacks C. blender

5. He is good at computer and he is going to be a(n)_____________. A.computer programmer B. engneer C. teacher

6. We did a ______ of our teachers about what sports they like. A. meeting B. result C. survey

7.The students in class 4 had a singing party. It was a great_______. A. aquarium B. school trip C. success

8. Every year, thousands of _______ come to China to go sightseeing. A. students B. tourists C visitor

9. How many _______ do you need to make banana milk shake? A. milk B. tomatos C. watermelons

10. There are 100 doctors in the hospital. Two thirds of them are ______. A. woman doctors B. girls students C. men doctors

11. Im going to retire ___________.

A. anywhere interesting B. somewhere beautiful C. quiet somewhere 12.What do you think of the clothes?

Its much too ______. I have enouth money for it. A. cheap B. expensive C. lovely

13.The price of the backpack is ________. So I cant afford(负担得起) it. A. expensive B. dear C. high D. low 14. I want to do __________ in the future.

A. nothing different B. different anything C. something different 15.Could you please tell me __________ in todays newspaper? Sorry, ________.

A. something special ; special something B. special something; special nothing C. something spcial; nothing spceial

16. He was born in 2003 so he is __________ boy.

A. a eight-year-old B. an eight-years-old C. an eight-year-old 17. Mr. Green is a _______ grandfather.

A. love B. loving C. lovely 18. Lucy, I have a birthday ______ for you.

A.gift B. party C. cup.

19. If you want to get more_________, you should call me at 110. A. advice B. information C. advices

20. They have many __________ after class.

A.activities B. classes C.homework

21. Giving lucky money to children is our ________ on Spring Festival. A. tradition B. balance C. problem

22. She always beats in tennis, because she has more tennis ________ than me. A. balls B. players C.training 23. Its 50 ____ from our school to Chengdu.

A. kilometers B. kilometer C. meters
