
时间:2022-08-02 09:29:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Being Brave, Everyone Can Be a Hero

书名:The Old Man and the Sea 书号:5 班级:112

学号:2011015449 姓名: 张言齐

I had finish this novel when I were in senior high school,it is amazing that there is a such fantistic story . Even if it is not as long as other novels , I still can leran something that the author want to express . Meanwhile , we know it is writen by Hemingway lived in American. He is a eniment writer and devote himself to developing the American literature.

Nowaday I read the novel again, which try to tell an old fisher. He goes fishing at sea alone . By eighty four days working ,he fish a large fish that he never see. The fish is so strong that it drag the boat drift for two days , in that two days ,he experiences and suffers all kinds of difficulties . But unfortunately, the old man come across a shark and the fish is eaten up . As a result , he try his best to fight with the shark and escape from the danger .

First point I want to express is the writing style .Hemingway makes his effort to establish his own structure , he makes full use of short sentence to creat a tense atomsphere. Also .each word he chooses has more than one meaning, the change of old man and behavior are described vividly. The last one is the author uses some Christian symbols and figure of speech, which is help to show the theme of novel.

The next one I would like to emphasize is the spirit of the old man . Firstly , as we know the old man can not catch any fish in eighty days ,in his mind ,he think there are bigger fish in the farther place .at that moment I admire the old man who is not satisfied with the exsiting affairs ,but much graeter goal . Compared with most of us, we alway stop looking foward when we achieved little successes. Then , when the old man comes across the shark,he try his best to fight with it even he knows the result. I admire that kind of spirit very much. Although the rival is so strong ,he doesnt shrunk back at all and obtain the final victory of life . I should learn that kind of spirit that people are not afaird of any difficulties they meet. In our dailylife, most of young people choose to give up when they are in trouble ,they dont understand that everthing can not be accomplished easily . So , it is necessary to keep an optimistic heart . In a further discussion,when you make a decision , you should make effort to seize any opportunities and do not worry about the loss or gain. Next , I want to say is

that we should not be satisfied with the current situation and be positive and brave when the difficulty is approaching. Only in this way can we obtain a great success and victory . Being brave, everyone can be hero.
