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“没听清”“请再说一遍”用英语怎样表达 “啥?你说什么?”

1. Sorry, what did you say?

也可以简单地用"sorry?""I'm sorry?"来表达。 2. What?

简单粗暴又直接,适用于熟人之间。 3. Pardon me?/I beg your pardon?

说“I beg your pardon”的时候要注意语气,因为在另一种语气比较重的情况下,会有一些挑衅的意味,那时候可能表示“你有胆再说一次?!”

4. Come again?

Come again还有质疑别人说的话的意思,想想看,当你质疑别人的话时,是不是也常说“你说什么”?

“不好意思,你刚说的啥我没听见” 1. Sorry, but I missed that.

2. I'm really sorry, I didn't hear/catch that. 3. Sorry, I did't get any of that.

4. I'm afraid I didn't quite catch what you were saying. 5. I didn't quite hear what you said. “能麻烦你再说一次么?”

1. Could you say that again, please? 2. Could you repeat that, please?

3. I'm sorry, would you mind repeating that/(what you said),




“我刚刚是说...”/“其实我想说的是...” 1. I was (just) saying/expressing... 2. I just mean that... 3. I was just asking if ... 4. I said, could you...
