苍蝇用英语怎么说英文翻译及阅读 苍蝇的主要蝇种是家蝇、市蝇等,可以说是每个家庭都很讨厌的生物之一。那么你知道苍蝇用英语怎么说吗?下面跟店铺一起学习关于苍蝇的英语知识吧。 苍蝇英语说法 fly 苍蝇的英语例句 现在用苍蝇钓不到鱼了。 No fish bites on the fly today. 马厩里到处都是苍蝇。 The stables swarmed with flies. 苍蝇能传播疾病。 Flies spread disease. 拍那只苍蝇。 Give that fly a swat. 我们在碗上铺了白的覆盖物防止苍蝇。 We spread white covers over the bowls to keep flies away. 苍蝇的脚借吸力可附着于物体表面上。 Flies' feet stick to surfaces by suction. 苍蝇可污染食物。 Flies contaminate food. 那人用苍蝇拍拍打苍蝇。 The man flipped at a fly with a fly swatter. 她仿佛是一只为蜘蛛服务的苍蝇。 It was something like the fly serving the spiders. 远看像苍蝇的动物 Animals that from a long way off look like flies 裸露的伤口很招苍蝇。 Open wounds act like a magnet to flies. 一只苍蝇停在天花板上。 A fly is on the ceiling. 没什么,只是你的汤里有只苍蝇。 Nothing but there was a fly in your soup. 苍蝇亦被甜美的树汁吸引来这里。 Flies, too, come to the sweet sap. 那匹马用尾巴拂去身上的苍蝇。 The horse flicked the flies away with his tail. 蜘蛛用网诱捕苍蝇和其它昆虫。 之后,我认为苍蝇飞走,但是当我正在谈话的时候,我注意到苍蝇正在总统身边盘旋。 We thoughtit was out of the room but when I was talking I noticed it circling around the president. 吃掉感染的苍蝇看来是鸟类从苍蝇感染沙门氏菌的主要途径。 Instead, eating infected flies seems to be the main way for Salmonella to pass from flies to birds. 关于苍蝇的英文阅读:被苍蝇叮过的食物还能吃吗? It is the age-old dilemma: Should we throw away our food if a fly lands on it? 这是一个古老的问题:如果一只苍蝇落在食物上面,我们应该扔掉这些食物吗? The answer is no, according to a lecturer in food hygiene. 一位食品卫生讲师认为答案是不需要。 University of Sydney medical lecturer Cameron Webb advises that if you take the risk of eating it you will probably be fine. 悉尼大学的医学讲师卡梅伦·韦伯认为,如果你冒着吃它的风险吃掉这些食物,那么你可能不会发生任何问题。 And while the insects can spread germs, it is unlikely that any germs they transfer onto the food would cause someone to become ill. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5d629908ac45b307e87101f69e3143323968f565.html