经科版BEC高级教师用书整理版 教材电子版
经科版BEC高级教师用书整理版 Unit 1a Work roles P5 Reading 1-2 Read the brochure extract to find out how WorkSet uses colour to clarify work roles. Suggested answer: WorkSet allows companies to clarify work roles by classifying different aspects of the job according to colour. Companies can use colour to specify the exact level of responsibility to be given to a number of key tasks. These specifications can be changed as the job changes. Employees can use the same system to give feedback on the job from their point of view, ensuring that job descriptions remain relevant. 1-3 Look at the pie charts and discuss the differences between them based on the information in the WorkSet extract. Suggested answer: According to the manager's brief, about half of the employee's time should be spent taking personal responsibility for meeting objectives (yellow work). However, the employee feels that this is not the case. Blue work (Le, work carded out in a prescribed way) is double the amount envisaged in the brief. As can be seen from the grey, white and pink segments, the employee also perceives him/herself to be involved in certain activities outside the job brief While the small amount of white (creative) work appears to be positive, the pink time serves no useful purpose. Moreover, the incidental grey work which the employee is asked to do in addition to his/her job may be detracting from the core yellow work. 1-4 A manager assigns the following tasks to different workers. Match each verb with one of the four core WorkSet colours. schedule – yellow operate – blue co-operate - orange participate – orange decide – yellow support - green design – yellow assist – green comply - blue follow - blue Think of another verb for each core colour. Suggested answer: blue - carry Out, execute yellow - plan, research green - aid, cover orange - take pert, brainstorm P7 Report writing Reading 2-1 Barrie Watson of Belbin Associates has just led a Team Leadership Workshop at Exstrom Engineering. Read his report on the workshop. How did he use WorkSet? Suggested answer: Barrie Watson used WorkSet to ascertain that Ekstrom Team Leaders had different perceptions of the precise level of responsibility to be allocated to each of their key tasks, He then helped the company to use the WorkSet colours to select which level was most appropriate for each task and to communicate its expectations to the Team Leaders, 2-2 Read the report again and answer the following questions 1. To explain how they saw their roles. 2. Leaders had different perceptions of their roles. 3. TO communicate the most appropriate approach to a series of key tasks. 4. Skills can be developed; attributes (i,e. the qualities people are born with) cannot. 5. It can set up assessment centres to screen applicants and team leaders. Unit 1b Company structure P9 Types of company structure Speaking 1 Look at the following diagram. What kind of company structure do you think each one represents? Suggested answer: A Large established company, Hierarchical pyramid structure. B Small company (owner manager), Flat management structure C Flexible company with project-based teams. Reading 2 Read the article on the opposite page. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each company structure? A Hierarchical organisation Advantages: High level of control Disadvantages: Workers lack the authority and motivation to improve processes. Management's response time is slow. Only suitable for stable business environments. B Entrepreneurial organisation Advantages: Totally centralised authority and direct contact between owner and employees ensure responsiveness to external changes. Disadvantages: Only suitable for small companies. C information age organisation Advantages: Allows speed of response within a large complex structure. Retains control but gives quick access to information. Employees can constantly refine their actions and strategies. Organisational control is dynamic. Disadvantages: Although IT makes all these advantages possible, it cannot motivate people to use the information they have. 3 Read the article again and answer the following questions. 1. Operating processes are concerned with how a company produces and sells its products and services, Management processes are concerned with how a company directs and controls these operations. 2. Jobs are standardised and separated into sequential steps which am carried out under direct supervision. 3. There is daily personal interaction between the owner and employees. 4. Access to information alone cannot motivate peoples to use that information on behalf of the organisation. Organisations need to ensure that the information is used by managers and employees to accomplish the same goals. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/18fc5444b307e87101f696da.html