英语写作常见错误例析(名词可数性) 在英语写作中,有很多同学把握不好名词的数以及一些集合名词的用法。名词单复数变动的依据主要有以下三种:一是名词本身属于单数还是复数,二是根据名词前的修饰成分,三是根据上下文的逻辑关系,看该名词在句子中指代的是单数还是复数。请看实例: 误用:This is irrelevant and, if I may say so, a rather naughty remark. 改为:This is an irrelevant and, if I may say so, a rather naughty remark. 说明:句中的irrelevant 是修饰名词 remark 的,由于 remark 为单数可数名词,所以应在修饰它的形容词前使用合适的限定词,根据后面的 a rather naughty 可知,这个限定词应是不定冠词。注意不要从汉语习惯出发,漏掉该用的不定冠词。 句意:这话毫不相干,而且要是可以这样说的话,还相当低级。 误用:Before the boys could answer, angry voice was heard outside. 改为:Before the boys could answer, an angry voice was heard outside. 说明:voice 为可数名词,在用作单数时,其前应有适当的限定词。注意不要从汉语习惯出发,漏掉该用的限定词。 句意:男孩们还来不及作出解答,就从外面传来愤怒的声音。 误用:Considering that they are such important part of undergraduate courses, lectures are often presented in a remarkably poor manner. 改为:Considering that they are such an important part of undergraduate courses, lectures are often presented in a remarkably poor manner. 说明:句中的 part 为可数名词,应在修饰它的形容词前加上不定冠词。注意不要从汉语习惯出发,漏掉该用的不定冠词。 句意:鉴于演讲课在大学本科课程中占了很重要的地位,这些课就显得上得非常差。 1 误用:Undeniably, political stability and human progresses in the country depend on greater economic success. 改为:Undeniably, political stability and human progress in the country depend on greater economic success. 说明:progress(进步)是不可数名词,不用复数形式。 句意:不可否认,国家政治的稳定和人的进步都依赖于更大的经济繁荣。 误用:I have played a great deal of glamorous women who have broken men’s hearts, so people tend to see me as that sort of person. 改为:I have played a great number of [a lot of] glamorous women who have broken men’s hearts, so people tend to see me as that sort of person. 说明:由于是用于修饰可数的复数名词 women,所以不能用 a great deal of。 句意:我已扮演过许多使男人伤心的、富有魅力的女角色,所以人们往往把我看成是那种人。 误用:Dr Maturin could speak fluently in Latin and Greek, and as for modern language, to Jack’s certain knowledges he spoke half a dozen. 改为:Dr Maturin could speak fluently in Latin and Greek, and as for modern languages, to Jack’s certain knowledge he spoke half a dozen. 说明:modern language 在此指现代各种语言,其中的 language 应用复数;knowledge 为不可数名词,不用复数,to one’s knowledge 为习语,意为“据某人所知”。 句意:马图林博士能流利地用拉丁语和希腊语说话。至于现代语言,据杰克的可靠消息,他会讲六种。 误用:He previously worked in the Ministry of Finance. He comes, therefore, with a great deal of experiences and expertises. 改为:He previously worked in the Ministry of Finance. He comes, therefore, with a great deal of experience and expertise. 说明:experience 表示“经验”时,为不可数名词,没有复数形式;但表示“经历”时,则可数。expertise(专门知识)也是一个不可数名词,也没有复数形式。 2 句意:他以前在财政部工作过。因此他来的时候已有丰富经验和专门知识。 误用:On their travels they indulged their hobby of collecting antique furnitures. As a result their home had become something of a museum. 改为:On their travels they indulged their hobby of collecting antique furniture. As a result their home had become something of a museum. 说明:furniture(家具)是一个典型的不可数名词,没有复数形式。 句意:他们在每次旅行时,尽兴地满足自己收集古董家具的嗜好。结果他们家成了类似博物馆的地方。 误用:Now supposing there was such a piece of stamp, and supposing it was worth a million dollars. And supposing the man who owned it suddenly came into possession of a second piece of stamp, its duplicate. What do you think would be the valve of each of those two pieces of stamp? 改为:Now supposing there was such a stamp, and supposing it was worth a million dollars. And supposing the man who owned it suddenly came into possession of a second stamp, its duplicate. What do you think would be the valve of each of those two stamps? 说明:stamp(邮票)是可数名词,其前可直接用不定冠词或数词修饰,也可用复数形式,而不能借助 a piece of 表示“一张”。 句意:假定有这样一张邮票,假定这张邮票值100万美元。然后又假定这张邮票的主人一下子有了第二张邮票,即第一张邮票的复制品,你认为这两张邮票各值多少钱? 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/198ae80be0bd960590c69ec3d5bbfd0a7956d5dc.html